Southport Manufacturing Facility Permit # NC0027065


Permit #:  NC0027065
Facility:    Southport Manufacturing Facility
Owner:     Archer Daniels Midland Company
County:    Brunswick

The division has made an attempt to post notices in the following newspaper (s):  The Wilmington Star News 

Archer Daniels Midland Company (1730 East Moore Street SE, Southport, NC 28461) has requested renewal of NPDES permit NC0027065 for its Southport Plant, located in Brunswick County. This permitted facility discharges treated industrial wastewater to the Cape Fear River, a class SC water in the Cape Fear River Basin. Some of the parameters in the permit are water quality limited. This discharge may affect future allocations in this segment of the Cape Fear River.

Send Comments To:
Water Quality Permitting Section
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617

Comment Period Ends:30-days from publish date

View draft permit and related documents