State Energy Office Announces Funding Opportunities for Weatherization Training and Technical Assistance


The Department of Environmental Quality’s State Energy Office has issued three requests for proposal for $14.68 million for weatherization training and technical assistance projects. The projects will be funded with a portion of the $89.7 million provided to the state by the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). This funding is in addition to the annual amounts allocated to the agencies supporting the Weatherization Assistance Program and does not affect those allocations.

The requests, which are available to view on the Department’s website, cover three focus areas. This approach is being utilized as described in the Five Year BIL Plan presented for public comment in March 2023.

Funding is available separately for each focus area, which are as follows:

Focus Area 1 – Weatherization Collaborative Lead Agency ($2.25 million)

DEQ seeks proposals for a Collaborative Lead Agency (or agencies) equipped to train the regional Collaborative Facilitating Agencies at each weatherization hub in the implementation of the collaborative approach for home upgrades. The Collaborative Lead Agency will be responsible for training the Collaborative Facilitating Agencies at each of the eight regional weatherization hubs. 

Focus Area 2 – Upgrades to Weatherization Training Program ($7.35 million)

DEQ seeks proposals to fund an agency to lead North Carolina’s Weatherization Training Program who is equipped to track the weatherization training requirements for participants and conduct both required and optional training courses. The intention of the training program is to elevate weatherization from a trade to a profession. 

Focus Area 3 – Weatherization Workforce Development Program ($5.08 million)

DEQ seeks proposals for a Weatherization Workforce Development Training Program (or programs) equipped to train pre/apprentices in skills related to weatherization. For each workforce development program funded, DEQ envisions hiring a single entity that would lead the coalition of universities, community colleges, state agencies and educational non-profits.

Applications will be accepted from June 30, 2023, until 5 p.m. EST on Friday, Sept. 1, 2023. Proposals must be submitted through the application portal here, and should be submitted in PDF format. Questions may be submitted online through the question portal here.  

The Weatherization Assistance Program helps low-income North Carolinians save energy, reduce their utility bills, and stay safe in their homes. Its mission is to keep North Carolina citizens warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and safe all year long while educating the public about energy efficiency and household safety. The program's focus is on the elderly, the disabled, families with children, high energy users, and the energy burdened.