Summary of Notice of Intent to Remediate a Dry-Cleaning Solvent Facility or Abandoned Site - Glam-O-Rama (Johnston County)


Pursuant to N.C.G.S. §143-215.104L, on behalf of Baekim LLC, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s (NCDEQ’s) private contractor has prepared a Notice of Intent to Remediate a Dry-Cleaning Solvent Facility or Abandoned Site (NOI). The purpose of this Summary of the NOI is to notify the community of the proposed remedy for the contamination site and invite comment on the proposed remedy.

The Glam-O-Rama Cleaners facility has conducted dry-cleaning operations at 716 E. Market Street, Smithfield, North Carolina since 1983. Dry-cleaning solvent contamination in soil and/or groundwater has been identified at parcel(s). 

An investigation of the extent of contamination has been completed. A risk assessment of the contaminated properties concluded that the contamination poses no unacceptable risk. A Risk Management Plan (RMP) has been prepared which proposes using land-use controls to prevent current and future risks at the affected  properties. 

The public comment period begins November 17, 2021 and ends December 17, 2021. Comments must be in writing and submitted to NCDEQ no later than December 17, 2021. Written requests for a public meeting may be submitted to NCDEQ no later than December 17, 2021. Requests for additional information should be directed to Jay King at (919)707-8367.

All comments and requests should be sent to:
Jay W. King, DSCA Remediation Unit
Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ
1646 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646


Risk Management Plan