What is Teachers on the Estuary (TOTE)?
- Experience research & field-based teacher training
- Improve understanding of estuary environment using local examples
- Support incorporation of estuary & watershed topics into classroom teaching
- Promote student stewardship of estuaries & watersheds
- Receive content aligned with national education standards and/or N.C. Essential Standards
Course Information
- When: April 2 & 3, 2019; 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Where: 101 Pivers Island Road, Beaufort, N.C.
- Who: K-12 Classroom Teachers
- Cost: The workshop is free and lunch will be provided on both days. Participants are responsible for their own lodging.
- Support: Teachers will receive renewal credits and a $100 stipend after project completion.
To register or for more information please contact Lori Davis at lori.c.davis@ncdenr.gov or 252-838-0883.