(Teleconference/WebEx) Meeting of the Viable Utility Reserve Committee of the State Water Infrastructure Authority


The Viable Utility Reserve Committee of the State Water Infrastructure Authority will meet Wednesday, Nov. 10 at 10:00 a.m. by teleconference. The public may listen to the meeting online or by phone.

 Instructions for listening to the meeting:

Online: https://ncdenrits.webex.com/ncdenrits/onstage/g.php?MTID=efdff2b0efe4bd9a11cf08f9fa59769d8

Event Password: NCDWI

By Phone: 415.655.0033

Access Code: 2435 034 6846


The authority is an independent body with primary responsibility for awarding federal and state funding for water and wastewater infrastructure projects. Other responsibilities include developing a state water infrastructure master plan, recommending ways to maximize the use of available loan and grant funding resources, and examining best and emerging practices.


To learn more about the State Water Infrastructure Authority: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-infrastructure/state-water-infrastructure-authority