Friday, March 23, 2018

New public comment periods, hearings being planned for fumigation facilities seeking air quality permits

<p>The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality&rsquo;s Division of Air Quality plans to hold new public comment periods and public hearings to enable feedback for two facilities seeking air quality permits in the Wilmington area. The new public comment periods for both draft permits are a response to heightened public interest in the permits.</p>
Raleigh, NC
Mar 23, 2018

The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality plans to hold new public comment periods and public hearings to enable feedback for two facilities seeking air quality permits in the Wilmington area. The new public comment periods for both draft permits are a response to heightened public interest in the permits.

New comment periods for permits for the two facilities (Tima Capital Inc. and Malec Brothers Transport LLC) will begin in the next two weeks that will clearly state where people can send their comments. Public hearings for each facility’s draft permit to enable people to provide additional feedback on the permits. The times and dates of the hearings will be announced soon.

The two permit requests:

The original comment period for the Tima Capital’s draft permit ran from Feb. 23 to March 25.

The division advertised the original comment periods for both facilities’ permits in local newspapers and on the DAQ website.

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