Monday, August 24, 2020

DAQ Denies Permits for Proposed Carolina Sunrock Facilities in Caswell County; Public Hearing Canceled

Aug 24, 2020

The North.Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality (DAQ) has denied two permit applications for Carolina Sunrock, LLC in Caswell County and is canceling the public hearing scheduled for September 10.

The two synthetic minor permit applications were to construct and operate separate facilities. The Burlington North location is a proposed asphalt and concrete batch plant and the Prospect Hill location is a proposed quarry and asphalt and concrete batch plant.

After reviewing the applications and public comments submitted to date, DAQ conducted ambient air quality modeling of criteria pollutant emissions from each facility to assess compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).  DAQ found that the facilities, operated as described in the permit applications, and under modeled conditions,  would both violate the nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide NAAQS beyond the property boundary.

Carolina Sunrock can appeal these decisions and/or submit new applications with sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with the NAAQS.

The decision letters and modeling memo are available here.  
