Press Releases

The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality (DAQ) has rescheduled the public hearing on the Madison Asphalt, LLC draft air permit to Monday, May 3 at 6 p.m.

The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission will meet by web conference on March 31 beginning at 1 p.m.

Changes to two marine fisheries rules are now in effect. One of the rules pertains to tarpon and the other to the transfer of Standard and Retired Standard Commercial Fishing Licenses.

The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) will hold a public hearing on the Scott Farm Road Mine application on Monday, March 29 at 6 p.m.

The state Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board will meet on Monday, April 5, via WebEx, to continue discussion on PFAS toxicity testing.

The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission Meeting scheduled for this afternoon has been postponed.


The North Carolina Division of Coastal Management’s North Carolina Coastal Reserve and partners from the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, N.C. State Parks, Bald Head Island Conservancy, N.C. Audubon, N.C. Aquariums, and National Park Service are recruiting volunteers to participate in the 2021 Terrapin Tally. Established in partnership with the Wildlife Commission, this citizen science project was created to collect population data to better understand the status of diamondback terrapins in the state.

The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality (DAQ) will host a public hearing on Tuesday, April 13 on a draft permit modification for the Duke Energy Mayo Steam Electric Plant.

The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality (DAQ) will host a digital public hearing on Monday, May 3 on a draft permit for Madison Asphalt LLC, a new drum-mix asphalt plant in Marshall, NC. 

The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality (DAQ) will host a digital public hearing on Monday, April 12 on a draft permit for Madison Asphalt LLC, a new drum-mix asphalt plant in Marshall, NC.