Oil and Gas Commission Members

CommissionerRolePositionContact InformationTerm Expires
John LuceyChairEngineer with experience in oil and gas experiencejlucey@mckimcreed.comDecember 2027
Jim ListerVice-ChairGeologist with oil and gas experienceJames.lister@deq.nc.gov | 910.612.2412December 2027
Stanford BairdMemberLicensed attorney with experience in legal matters associated with oil and gas exploration and development

Stanford.baird@klgates.com | 919.743.7334

December 2019
John DrozMemberMember of a nongovernmental conservation interest

aaprjohn@northnet.org | 252.247.4969

December 2027
Karen A. HowardMemberMember of a county board of commissioners of a county (Chatham) located in a region of North Carolina that has oil and gas potential


December 2024
Rebecca Wyhof SalmonMemberElected official of a municipal government (Sanford) located in a region of North Carolina that has oil and gas potential

rebecca.salmon@sanfordnc.net | 919.721.6881

December 2022
William VizueteMemberMember with experience in matters related to public health


December 2023
John D. White IIMemberRepresentative of a publicly traded natural gas company


December 2024
Jordan "Cody" EdwardsMemberMember of a nongovernmental conservation interestcody.edwards@deq.nc.govDecember 2026