Notification of Categorical Exclusion




The following projects, proposed to be funded or already funded through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, established under GS 159 G 5(d), are considered non-major activities as described in 15A NCAC 1C .0504. The Public Water Supply (PWS) Section has reviewed these projects and determined that they will not have a significant adverse impact on the quality of human health, the environment, nor on natural habitats or their inhabitants, and are therefore exempt from further environmental review such as the EA/FONSI process. The primary purpose of distributing this document is to satisfy Public Notice requirements for federally supported projects.

These determinations can be revoked at any time if information about significant adverse impacts becomes available. Please address any comments or questions to Vincent Tomaino, PWSS, 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1634, (919) 715-4374 (fax), or e-mail

Applicant WIF# County Project Description
Ahoskie, Town of 1832 Hertford Replace all (approximately 2,203) automated meter reading (AMR) meters with a new fixed-base AMR system.
Alamance, Village of 1060 Alamance Interconnection with the City of Burlington.
Alexander County 1034 Alexander 22.4 miles of waterline extension by EUWC to Vashti area to loop lines and address documented low pressures.
1805 Alexander Replace all (approximately 2,500) water meters with AMR Technology and install 45,500 feet of new 8-inch and 2-inch waterlines.
Andrews, Town of 1272 Cherokee Replace Alum-Sludge Lagoon.
Anson County 1042 Anson New raw water intake, raw water pump station, electrical building and equipment (includes backup power), raw water main to existing Anson Co. WTP, and off stream raw water reservoir adjacent to WTP facility.
Aqua North Carolina, Inc. 1689 Warren & Northhampton Consolidate thirteen systems.  One is in Northampton County.  Twelve (including two unapproved systems with provisional PWSIDs) are in Warren County.  Construction includes new wells, well house, pumps, chemical treatment, telemetry, filters, bladder and hydro-pneumatic tanks, water mains and meters.
1829 Cumberland Replace approximately 6,237 meters in Brookwood Service Area (Cumberland and Moore counties) with AMR meters.
1830 Guilford Replace approximately 7,271 manual-read meters in Kernersville/Surry Systems (Alamance, Alleghany, Ashe, Caswell, Forsyth, Guildord, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin counties) with AMR meters.
Asheboro, City of 1718 Randolph Automatic Meter Read System
Asheville, City of 1395 Buncombe Replacement of high-service pumps at three (3) WTPs: North Fork, Black Mountain, and Mills River.
1593 Consolidation of Viewmont Acres System.
1594 Consolidation of Reynolds Mobile Home Park.
Beaufort County Water District I - Washington Township 1735 Beaufort Installation of approximately seven miles of 12-inch water main and a booster pump station to establish an interconnection with Beaufort County Water District VI.
1808 Replace all (approximately 1581) water meters system wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology. Install one emergency generator.
Beaufort County Water District II - Long Acre West 1809 Beaufort Replace all (approximately 2,247) water meters system wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology. Install one emergency generator.
Beaufort County Water District III - Long Acre East 1810 Beaufort Replace all (approximately 2,253) water meters system wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology. Install one emergency generator.
Beaufort County Water District IV - Bath Township 1811 Beaufort Replace all (approximately 2,365) water meters system wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology. Install one portable emergency backup generator and two manual transfer switches at its booster pump stations to ensure project reliability.
Beaufort County Water District V - Pantego Township 1807 Beaufort Replace all (approximately 1,040) water meters system wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology. Install one portable emergency backup generator and two manual transfer switches at its booster pump stations to ensure project reliability.
Beaufort County Water District VI - Chocowinity/Richland Township 1741 Beaufort Construct a new supply well and add iron/softening filters at the existing water treatment plant to supply water to Beaufort County Water District I.
1812 Replace all (approximately 1,040) water meters system wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology. Install one portable emergency backup generator and two manual transfer switches at its booster pump stations to ensure project reliability.
Beaufort County Water District VII - Richland Township 1813 Beaufort Replace all (approximately 1511) water meters with Fixed Base Automated Meter Reading Systems (AMR) Technology. One backup generator and two manual transfer switches at its booster pump stations to ensure project reliability.
Belfast-Patetown Sanitary District 1371 Wayne Installation of radio-read meters for approximately 4,500 customers.
1435 Installation of 13,760 ft of 12" and 2,700 ft of 8" water mains to connect the NWWSD-BPSD joint WTP and a new well to the District's distribution grid.  Wellhead improvements at the new well site.  Project needed to address CCPCUA mandatory withdrawal reductions.
Belhaven, Town of 1732 Beaufort Water and Edwards Streets Waterline Rpelacement - Replace approximately 4,000 ft of deteriorating 4-inch cast iron water lines with 6-inch PVC; replace 70 service connections and perform full lead service line replacement as necessary
Benson, Town of 1701 Johnston Replace 1,695 existing service meters with automated meter reading technology.
Bertie County Water District I 1740 Bertie Replace 1,360 existing service meters with automated meter reading (AMR) technology
Bertie County Water District II 1446 Bertie Install 12,200 LF of 4- and 6-inch water mains to provide service to Black Rock subdivision
Bertie County Water District II 1743 Bertie Replace 1,123 existing service meters with automated meter reading (AMR) technology
Bertie County Water District III 1742 Bertie Replace 1,832 existing service meters with automated meter reading (AMR) technology
Bertie County Water District IV 1744 Bertie Replace 1,486 existing service meters with automated meter reading (AMR) technology
Bessemer City 1317 Gaston Solar-powered mixer for tank and reservoir to improve water quality.
Brevard, City of 1778 Transylvania Construct two ground storage tanks, 0.75 MG each, to replace the 1.0 MG ground storage tank which has a failing roof.
1787 Replace 3,484 existing service meters with radio-read water meters.
Broadway Water Association 1767 Wilkes Replace 1,231 existing service meters with radio-read water meters.
Bryson City, Town of 1713 Swain Replace 1,655 existing service meters with automated meter reading (AMR) technology
Burgaw, Town of 1800 Pender Rehabilitate approximately 7,200 feet of 6-inch and 2-inch old and deteriorated water lines, emergency generator, and 1,300 meters with drive-by Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology.
Burke County 1553 Burke Replace all ex. meters w/ AMRs, booster pump station rehab., and install pressure-management stations.
Burlington, City of 1354 Alamance Solar-powered mixers for three tanks to improve water quality.
Camden County (South Camden W&S District) 1278 Camden Increase treatment capacity from 0.72 to 1.4 MGD with skid-mounted reverse osmosis unit; renovate aerator and chlorine contactor.
Canton, Town of 1604 Haywood Consolidation of nonviable Upper Beaverdam Water Association system (NC 01-44-022).
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority 1314 New Hanover Three ASR wells for additional supply during periods of peak or emergency demand.
Catawba County 1171 Catawba Install approximately 57,000 LF of water line to provide interconnections (back-up supply) to the Town of Maiden and the Southeast Catawba County Water System.
City of Raleigh 1794 Wake EM Johnston WTP improvement to the permanganate storage and feed facility.
Clay County 1270 Clay Construct 15,500 feet of waterline, a 200,000-gallon tank, a booster pump station, and a master-meter vault to interconnect with Towns County W&S Authority in Georgia.
Clinton, City of 1465 Sampson Construct a new 150K gallon clearwell for additional storage, redundancy, and clearwell maintenance.
Columbia, Town of 1438 Tyrrell Installation of one new well and associated 10,500 lf of 8'' raw-water main to the Town's WTP to allow withdrawal reductions from two existing wells impacted by rising chloride concentrations.
Columbus County Water District II 1638 Columbus Installation of 32,700 ft of 6" mains to extend service to the Thompson Town Rd. community (295 residents, 5 businesses, 1 school) and 38,600 ft of 8" and 10" transmission mains and a booster pump station to connect the District with County Water District I.
1770 Installation of approximately 43,000 LF of 2-inch through 6-inch water lines to serve 105 new customers.
Cramerton, Town of 1187 Gaston Replace 1600 old meters with AMR meters.
Cumberland County 1662 Cumberland Approx. 12,700 LF of 6 to 12 " water main to serve approximately 75 existing residents with potential well contamination with benzene.
Denton, Town of 1643 Davidson Waterline replacement & WTP rehab: Install approx. 2,500 LF 8-inch & 9,500 LF 6-inch W/L; Optimize existing WTP to allow its operation at existing rated capacity of 2.25 MGD (presently operates at 1.75 MGD).
Dublin, Town of 1806 Bladen Replace all (approximately 268) water meters system-wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology.
Duplin County Water District D 1429 Duplin Installation of approx. 4.5 miles of 12" transmission main to supply water to other County Water Districts affected by CCPCUA aquifer withdrawal reductions.
1826 Install approximately 11,200 feet of 6-inch water lines to 16 rural homes with private wells in areas of generally poor groundwater quality.
Duplin County Water District E 1636 Duplin Installation of 24,300 LF of 4", 6", and 8" waterline extensions to serve 36 rural residences whose wells are threatened by contamination from farming activities.
1827 Install approximately 14,800 feet of 4, 6 and 8-inch water lines to 49 rural homes with private wells in areas of generally poor groundwater quality.
Duplin County Water District F 1428 Duplin Construction of 500,000 gallon elevated storage tank and associated valve vault to increase existing storage capacity.
Duplin County Water District G 1632 Duplin Installation of 22,500 LF of 6" and 10,000 LF of 8" waterline extensions to 65 rural residences whose wells are threatened by contamination from farming activities.
1828 Install approximately 13,000 feet of 4 and 6-inch water lines to 18 rural homes with private wells in areas of generally poor groundwater quality.
Eastern Wayne Sanitary District 1369 Wayne Pumps and wellheads for two existing shallow-aquifer wells for additional source needed to address CCPCUA mandatory withdrawal reductions.
1374 Installation of automatic meter reading (AMR) system for approximately 6,110 customers.
1433 Installation of 15,400 ft of 12" main and booster pump station to connect the District to Goldsboro's water system. The original scope has been amended to remove a water line extension to provide fire protection to an industrial park.
Edgecombe County Water & Sewer District No. 1 1751 Edgecombe Replace 1,413 water meters with Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) technology.
Elizabeth City 1352 Pasquotank Expansion of well field with four new wells to meet 12-hr/day max. pumping requirement.
Elon, Town of 1357 Alamance Eligible project cost only reflects Interconnection: Install 12-inch Master Meter, Meter Vault, and appurtenances to assist Town Of Ossipee (On A Moratorium For New Connections) via interconnection w/ City Of Burlington.
Energy United Water Corporation 1538 Alexander EUWC - Town of Love Valley Interconnect: 10,200 LF 8-inch; 12,800 LF 6-inch; and 5,000 LF of 2-inch water mains and other appurtenances.
Enfield, Town of 1796 Halifax Replace all (approximately 1,071) water meters system-wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology.
Faison, Town of 1754 Duplin Replacement of 1,250 LF of 6-inch and 4,500 LF of 10-inch deteriorated waterlines that require frequent repairs.
1814 Duplin Replace all (approximately 500) water meters system wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology.
Farmville, Town of 1389 Pitt Installation of approx. 27,000 LF of finished water transmission mains to support purchase from GUC needed to address CCPCUA mandatory withdrawal reductions.
1736 Replace 1,507 existing service meters with automated meter reading (AMR) technology.
Fayetteville, City of 1665 Cumberland 12 MG clear well rehabilitation at the old and deteriorated Hoffer WTP and conversion to ferric sulfate at both Hoffer WTP and Glenville WTP to address EPA Stage 2 DBP requirements.
Fork Township Sanitary District 1375 Wayne Installation of AMR system for approximately 4,700 customers
1434 10,000 feet of raw-water transmission mains and wellhead improvements to connect four new wells to the District's WTP needed to address mandatory CCPCUA aquifer withdrawal reductions.
Franklinton, Town of 1113 Franklin WTP filter renovations.
Gibsonville, Town of 1296 Guilford Second interconnection w/ Burlington; Hwy 61-Church St. & Dew Sharpe Rd.
Goldsboro, City of 1078 Wayne Phase 1 - Rehab of WTP including sedimentation basin repairs, pump and motor replacements, filter media replacement, repairs to raw-water intake and pump station.
1620 Phase 2 WTP Improvements
Goldston Gulf Sanitary District 1382 Chatham Interconnection with the City of Sanford: Consist of 10,500 LF of 6" and 1,200 LF of 10" waterlines to alleviate TTHM problems.
1804 Chatham Replace all (approximately 540) water meters system-wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology.
Graham, City of 1295 Alamance Two (2) solar-powered mixers to improve water quality.
Green Level, Town of 1027 Alamance 300,000 gallon elevated storage tank, and associated waterlines.
Greene County Regional Water System 1443 Greene Installation of approx. 6.4 miles of finished water transmission mains to support purchase from GUC needed to address CCPCUA mandatory withdrawal reductions.
1637 Installation of 83,500 ft of 6", 8", and 12" water mains to support wholesale purchase from nearby water system (GUC).
1745 Replace approximately 3,778 existing service meters with automated meter reading (AMR) technology.
Greenville Utilities Commission 1108 Pitt Install 5,977 ft of 10" and 268 ft of 8" water main extension along Thomas Langston Road to provide interconnection with Town of Winterville.
1318 Solar-powered mixing system in potable water tank for improved water quality.
Harnett County 1038 Harnett Approximately 43,000 LF of 16"&12" waterline, booster pump station, and 1MG elevated storage tank to serve East Central W&S District to eliminate worsening hydraulic problems.
Henderson, City of 1595 Vance Infrastructure improvements to consolidate the Brookhaven Village MHP water system.
Holly Springs, Town of 1426 Wake Solar-powered mixing system for tanks to improve water quality.
Jacksonville, City of 1263 Onslow Four new non-Cretaceous aquifer wells, raw-water transmission mains, retrofit of pump station and SCADA system to address CCPCUA mandatory withdrawal reductions.
Johnston County 1061 Johnston Construction of a magnetic ion exchange (MIEX) resin raw water pretreatment system at Johnston County water treatment plant.
1622 Install Approximately 10,000 LF of 6", 4" and 2" PVC water mains to replace failing and non-compliant community well system serving 24 customers in Wake County.
Jones County 1634 Jones Installation of radio-read meters for approximately 3,600 customers.
Kannapolis, City of 1212 Rowan Improve electrical system at Second Creek raw-water pump station. Project to reduce safety concerns and increase energy efficiency.
Kill Devil Hills, Town of 1450 Dare Installation of grid-powered submersible water mixers in two elevated storage tanks for improved water quality.
Landis, Town of 1834 Rowan Replace all (approximately 1725) water meters system-wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology.
Linden, Town of 1039 Cumberland Approximately 20,000 LF of 4" through 8" waterline to serve an area adjacent to the Town of Linden where private well water is of very poor quality.
Littleton, Town of 1114 Halifax An 8" waterline connection with Warren County to address TTHM violations.
Louisburg, Town of 1053 Franklin Replacement of 2-inch undersized and deteriorating cast iron waterlines with approximately 4,300 LF of 8-inch and 550 LF of 6-inch waterlines for looping, and better flow in the system.
Macon County 1275 Macon Water line extension from the Town of Franklin to consolidate the Riverbend Estates & Swiss Colony systems in northern Macon County.
Maggie Valley Sanitary District 1292 Haywood MVSD-Waynesville interconnection to supply MVSD in times of drought. 500-gpm booster pump station as well as 500 LF of 12-inch and 8,400 LF of 8-inch water line along Hwy 19.
Magnolia, Town of 1819 Duplin Replace Approximately 8,100 feet of 1-1/4-inch galvanized water line with 6-inch PVC line.
Maysville, Town of 1228 Jones Replacement of softeners, piping, and chemical feed equipment.
Mitchell County 1294 Mitchell Consolidate failing Mitchell Co. High School Water System by constructing booster pump station, a 150,000-gallon tank, and 18,000 LF of 10-inch water line from Town of Spruce Pine via Ledger Community.
Montreat, Town of 1289 Buncombe Replace approx. 670 ex. meters w/ AMR-type meters.
1290A Construct two (2) new well houses (Harmony & Greybeard), one in each of the two pressure zones, to provide additional capacity.  New 2700 ft of 6-inch water line to connect Greybeard.
Morehead City 1073 Carteret Raw water treatment facilities at two existing well sites, one new supply well, 14,000 LF of 12-inch raw water transmission mains.
Mount Olive, Town of 1629 Wayne Additional pressure filters and appurtenances to create redundancy and improve reliability of the North WTP.  Replacement of 875 service meters and 13,000 LF of 2" and smaller GI distribution mains with 6" PVC pipes to increase pressure and reduce leakage.
Murphy, Town of 1277 Cherokee Replace existing water meters and install 1,673 radio-read meters.
Norlina, Town of 1681 Warren Replace 426 existing service meters with automated meter reading (AMR) technology.
Northwestern Wayne Sanitary District 1368 Wayne Install 19,000 lf of 12" and 8” transmission mains to connect the District to Johnston County and allow purchase of 0.625 MGD to address mandatory CCPCUA withdrawal reductions.
1372 Installation of AMR systems for 2,020 customers.
Onslow Water & Sewer Authority 1413 Onslow Installation of approximately 9,000 ft of raw-water transmission main to connect two new wells to the Dixon WTP.  Project needed (in conjunction with DEH-1416) to address CCPCUA mandatory withdrawal reductions.
1416 Two new supply wells to address CCPCUA mandatory withdrawal reductions.
1628 Installation of three 1-MGD reverse osmosis treatment trains at the Dixon WTP to reduce silica and TOC levels
Orange Water & Sewer Authority 1346 Orange Installation of 6.5 miles of 8" and 12" raw water transmission mains to connect an existing well to the WTP and close a loop with another well.
Pamlico County 1630 Pamlico Installation of approx. 36,000 LF of 12" and 2,000 LF of 8" transmission main and 3 booster pump stations in the Grantsboro, Minnesott Beach and Vandemere service areas.
Perquimans, County of 1321 Perquimans Replace existing aerator detention tank; new high service pump station; new 1 MG clearwell; new chemical feed systems for improved treated water quality.
Pollocksville, Town of 1393 Jones Installation of 310 radio-read meters.
Princeville, Town of 1392 Edgecombe Replacement of 815 water meters.
Ramseur, Town of 1252 Randolph Solar-powered circulators to improve water quality.
1603 Raw-water bypass pump station for drought.
1642 Replace approximately 6,000 feet of small diameter galvanized mains
Red Springs, Town of 1687 Robeson Replace approximately 9,350 LF of 88 year old leaking cast iron pipe to alleviate pressure problems. Project will also replace meters with AMR meters and remove a failing elevated storage tank which is a safety concern.
Riegelwood Sanitary District 1331 Columbus Master metering station on existing supply transmission main from International Paper mill; two-way meter and shutoff valves on emergency interconnection with Columbus County W.S.; replacement of 4,300 ft of leaking waterlines.
Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District 1089 Halifax Solar-powered mixers for tanks to improve water quality.
1117 Secondary interconnection with Northampton County and Town of Gaston to provide reliable supply.
Robbinsville, Town of 1057 Graham Construct 300k-gallon clearwell w/ altitude valve and telemetry unit to supplement the existing and undersized clearwell at Long Creek WTP.
Rocky Mount, City of 1571 Nash Lime-slurry feed system at two WTP facilities to improve water quality, safety, and reduce operating costs.
Ronda, Town of 1537 Wilkes Ronda-Elkin Interconnection; replace-in-kind 1-inch and 2-inch GIP water line with 2-inch PVC.
Rose Hill, Town of 1587 Duplin New supply well to replace existing one with declining yield.
Rutherford College, Town of 1541 Burke Upgrade or replace 800 water meters.
Sanford, City of 1351 Lee Rehab 2MG Clearwell at WTP, by replacing the roof and dividing the clearwell into two cells (old and deteriorated).
Sawmills, Town of 1540 Caldwell Cajah's Mountain Road - Replacement of 3,400 LF of asbestos cement pipe with PVC pipe to prevent water loss, low pressure, and frequent system failure.
Selma, Town of 1453 Johnston Well replacement due to inadequate supply.
Snow Hill, Town of 1635 Greene Installation of radio-read meters for approximately 1,200 customers.
1734 Replacement of 8,600 feet of aging and deteriorated cast iron and galvanized water lines with 6-inch PVC to improve water quality.
South Granville W&S Authority 1094 Granville Solar-powered mixers in five (5) elevated storage tanks to improve water quality.
South Greene Water Corporation 1737 Greene Replace approximately 1,036 existing service meters with automated meter reading (AMR) technology.
Southeastern Wayne Sanitary District 1436 Wayne Installation of 6.5 miles of 8" and 12" raw water transmission mains to connect an existing well to the WTP and close a loop with another well.
1373 Installation of automatic meter reading (AMR) system for approximately 4,900 customers.
Southwestern Wayne Sanitary District 1370 Wayne Installation of AMR systems for 1,400 customers.
Spring Lake, Town of 1358 Cumberland Solar-powered tank mixing system for 750,000 gallon elevated storage tank to alleviate TTHM MCL violation.
Stanly County 1193 Stanly Solar-powered mixers for five (5) tanks to improve water quality.
Surf City, Town of 1190 Pender Solar-powered mixers for two potable water tanks to improve water quality.
Tarboro, Town of 1341 Edgecombe Filter Media and sweep replacement for all six (6) WTP filters (old and worn out).
Taylorsville, Town of 1532 Alexander Install 800 "smart water meters" to replace ex. Water meters
Thomasville, Town of 1559 Davidson Three (3) solar-powered mixers in water-storage tanks to improve water quality.
Topsail Beach, Town of 1674 Pender Construction of a 300-kgal elevated storage tank and a 200-kgal ground storage tank complete with high service pumps. Replacement of existing high service pumps on existing 100-kgal ground storage tank. Installation of 8-inch and 12-inch mains to connect existing distribution mains, automated controls for the chloramines disinfection system, and radio-read meter system.
Troutman, Town of 1833 Iredell Replace 5,140 LF of 4-inch and 100 LF of 6-inch cast-iron pipe (circa 1923) with 6-inch PVC waterline, and also replace 610 existing service meters with automated meter-reading (AMR) technology (formerly WIF#-1719).
Tuckaseigee Water And Sewer Authority 1457 Jackson Replace inadequate / unsafe chemical-feed, chemical-storage & operations facilities at WTP.
1624 Consolidation of nonviable Holly Hills water system and Mountain Creek Estates water system.
1625 Water main extension to consolidate nonviable Dillardtown water supply system.
Wade, Town of 1256 Cumberland Replace approximately 10,200 LF of 8" to 12" old and leaking waterlines.
1623 Water main extension to consolidate the nonviable system serving Countryside Villa Nursing Home.
Warren County 1448 Warren Meter replacement (Radio Read) of 1,200 meters.
Warsaw, Town of 1366 Duplin Retrofit unused existing well with iron-removal system to bring the Town's pumping rates from its other wells into compliance with maximum 12 hr/day rule.
Waynesville, Town of 1311 Haywood Interconnection with Maggie Valley Sanitary District; Replace ex. 6-inch AC water line along Dayton Drive & Mauney Cove Rd with 8-inch non-AC water line; Meter Replacement.
Whiteville, City of 1136 Columbus Construction of new supply well to replace two failed wells.
White Lake, Town of 1797 Bladen Replace all (approximately 1,176) water meters system wide with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology.
Williamston, Town of 1783F Martin Installation of altitude valves at three existing elevated tank locations and reconfiguration of piping at one of these tank sites; new instrumentation and controls to enable monitoring of five elevated tanks and six well pumps in the system
Winston - Salem, City of 1472 Forsyth Install twelve (12) sampling stations for IDSE identified sites for D/DBP sampling and testing.