Annual Network Plan

Annual Public Comment Solicitation

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires state and local air pollution agencies to make their annual Monitoring Network Design plans available to the general public for a 30-day public comment period. Agencies are required to submit their annual plans to EPA by July 1. The Ambient Monitoring Program solicits such comments from the public in late May and early June each year.

5-Year Network Assessment for 2020 to 2025

Assessments of the monitoring network and the anticipated changes that will be needed between 2021 and 2025 are described in the 2020 monitoring network assessments. The state program and local program assessments are provided here. The Asheville Buncombe Air Quality Agency assessment is included within the state agency's assessment. This document is updated every five years. 

Direct contact information for the local program agencies is available online.

Network Changes for 2024-2025

Monitoring network changes for 2024-2025 are described in the 2024-2025 monitoring network plans. The state program and local program plans are provided below. The Asheville Buncombe Air Quality Agency plan is included within the state agency's plan. This document is updated annually, with a 30-day public comment period.

Email comments to Direct contact information for the local program agencies is available online.