Hazardous Air Pollutants
The N.C. Division of Air Quality (DAQ) operates the urban air toxics (UAT) monitoring network in conjunction with the national program, originally proposed and designed by the U.S. EPA in 1999. The UAT monitoring network was started as part of the EPA's effort to address toxic air pollutant emissions in urban areas.
Monitoring Sites
Currently, the UAT consists of seven sites, six urban and one rural.
UAT Sites (ArcGIS Online Map)

UAT air monitoring is regularly conducted for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Monitoring for selected aldehydes are conducted on a more limited basis at three sites.

The UAT monitoring network is a collaborative effort coordinated between state and local agencies:
- The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality
- Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency
- Forsyth County Environmental Assistance and Protection
- Mecklenburg County Air Quality
Steven Walters
Chemist III
Phone 919-707-8453