The N.C. Division of Air Quality and local environmental agencies provide daily air quality forecasts across North Carolina. We use the Air Quality Index (AQI) color code system to quickly relay air quality information in each of the state's 100 counties.

From March 1 through Oct. 31, the daily air quality forecasts include ozone. The forecasts for fine particle matter (PM2.5) pollution are offered year-round. 

Air Quality Portal

The Air Quality Portal, launched in March 2022, is the new hub for finding air quality forecasts and related air pollution information. The site is a collaboration between the State Climate Office of North Carolina at NC State University and the North Carolina Division of Air Quality. It features the daily air quality forecasts, our air monitoring tools and information on ozone, particulate matter and other pollutants.

See Air Quality Forecasts for Your Area

Ambient Information Reporter (AIR) 

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality (DAQ) has partnered with the North Carolina State Climate Office to develop a new air quality tool, the Ambient Information Reporter (AIR). The new tool contains statewide weather and air quality observations about past, current, and forecasted air quality events.

The AIR tool was designed by professionals within the meteorological and air quality industries, along with public feedback from targeted groups.

Features of the new tool include both real-time and historical air quality and meteorological observations including satellite-detected fires and smoke, the latest air quality forecast, along with the ability to view graphs and charts of both hourly and daily data trends.

The AIR tool is also available via mobile device for users to access quickly and easily, with the same dataset and functionality as the website version.

Access the AIR Tool 

Ozone Design Value Predictor Tool

The Division of Air Quality has developed an Ozone Design Value Predictor Tool to track design values at monitors across the state and around the country. 

Design Value Predictor Tool

Air Quality Index

The AQI is an index for reporting daily air quality. It tells you how clean or polluted your air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for you. Please visit EPA's Air Quality Index to learn more.

CodeAir Quality IndexMeaning
GreenGoodAir quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no concern. Go outside and enjoy the day!
YellowModerateThere may be a moderate health concern for people who are unusally sensitive to air pollution. Consider limiting prolonged or heavy exertion outdoors. 
OrangeUnhealthy for Sensitive GroupsOlder adults, children, active people, and those with heart or lung disease may experience health effects. Limit prolonged or heavy exertion outdoors. 
RedUnhealthyOlder adults, children, active people, and those with heart or lung disease may experience more serious health effects. Everyone may experience health effects. Limit prolonged or heavy exertion outdoors. 
Purple / MaroonVery UnhealthyEveryone is likely to be affected. Avoid all outdoor exertion. 

Additional Information

Other Forecast Options

Air Quality forecasts are also available via:

What goes into an air quality forecast?

Read more about the factors involved in building the daily forecasts from a series of posts on the State Climate Office blog written by our team of meteorologists.

Consumer Air Sensors

Have questions about air sensors? See our FAQ.

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