Western NC Wildfires

The Division of Air Quality is closely tracking smoke impacts from multiple wildfires in western North Carolina. For the most up-to-date air quality forecast information, visit the Air Quality Portal. 

Air Quality Portal

Smoke & Air Quality

If you can see heavy haze and smell wildfire smoke, the air quality is not good and you should limit your outdoor activities when possible. The soot and smoke from fires contain particulate matter, or PM. The smallest particles, PM2.5, are 30 times smaller than the width of a human hair and can pass deep into the lungs and into the bloodstream, causing short-term health issues like coughing, asthma attacks and elevated heart rates. Sensitive populations such as children, active people, older adults, and those with heart or lung disease (like asthma) can be more at risk when PM2.5 levels are high and should take precautions.

Often, your eyes and nose are the best air quality monitors available. The N.C. Division of Air Quality provides daily air quality forecasts for PM2.5 and Ozone to help you plan your outdoor activities, as well as real-time information about air quality and smoke conditions at the following links: 

Check your air quality

Look up detected fire/smoke

Additional resources are listed on the bottom of this page.

Sources of Smoke

Smoke can have several sources: Wildfires, prescribed (planned) burns, residential or commercial open burning, land clearing operations or illegal burning are common sources.These fires are not equal, and the type of smoke and danger posed can vary depending on what is burning, when and where.

It can be difficult to determine the source of smoke in your area, as there is not a single resource in North Carolina that provides information on all fires occurring at any given moment. However, several data tools (available under "Resources & Data at the bottom of this page) are available to assist the public learn more about smoke in their community.

Types of Outdoor Fires

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A wildfire is a fire that is either unplanned or out of control that burns unchecked through combustible vegetation. Fires can grow and spread rapidly during dry, breezy weather conditions, which can hinder firefighting efforts. During periods of little rainfall and extended drought, vegetation can dry out which can elevate fire danger.

Wildfires in the western United States have become larger and more numerous in recent years due to this region experiencing an extended drought event. These large fires can cause damage to property and landscape, and lead to unhealthy air quality both locally and — if the fires burn long enough — across vast distances downwind.

Wildfires produce far more PM2.5 than planned fires. Out-of-control wildfires may also burn artificial materials like buildings, releasing toxic chemicals, whereas well controlled prescribed burns wouldn't involve the burning of these materials. 

A planned and controlled fire, known as a prescribed fire, removes leaf litter, fallen twigs and branches without burning adult trees. These fires release less heat and smoke than a wildfire, and the particulate matter produced is too large to get deep into the lungs.

Because prescribed burns are the best way to prevent wildfires, they are becoming a common tool to protect residents from harmful wildfire smoke. The best way to protect yourself from smoke from a controlled burn is to stay inside, where modern HVAC systems can filter the air.

Learn more about prescribed fires

The N.C. Forest Service developed North Carolina's Smoke Management Program to mitigate the effects of smoke from forestry-related prescribed burning. The N.C. Division of Air Quality certified the plan to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in February 2025 to fulfill requirements in the Exceptional Events rule (40 CFR 50.14(c)(3)(iv)(D)).

In North Carolina, residents and businesses may sometimes burn yard and land-clearing waste outdoors. The N.C. Open Burning rule limits what can be burned and when.

Open Burning Rule

An important part of the open burning rule prohibits the burning of trash or any man-made material. Burning artificial items can produce dangerous and toxic smoke. If you feel the source of the smoke is from an illegal open burn in your area where man-made materials are being burned, please contact your local air quality regional office for further assistance.

Health Impacts of Smoke

Fine particulate matter, or PM2.5, is the primary health threat from any type of smoke. According to the EPA:

“These microscopic particles can get into your eyes and respiratory system, where they can cause health problems such as burning eyes, runny nose, and illnesses such as bronchitis. Fine particles also can aggravate chronic heart and lung diseases."

If it looks smoky outside, it's probably not a good time to mow the lawn, go for a run, or for children to play outdoors. Reducing outdoor exertion or staying indoors can reduce your exposure to harmful air pollution. 

Groups that are more likely to be sensitive to air pollution include: 

  • Children of any age
  • Adults over 65
  • People with chronic heart or lung disease
  • Pregnant people
  • People of color
  • People of low income
  • Outdoor workers
  • Anyone who is exceptionally active outdoors

While healthy adults are not at a major risk from short-term exposures to smoke, it is still a good idea to avoid breathing smoke if you can help it, especially at Code Red levels or above. 

Know the Air Quality Forecast

When smoke is present, it's important to know what your local air quality is. Check air quality at the Air Quality Portal

Today's Air Quality Forecast

Air Quality Forecasts use the color-coded Air Quality Index (AQI) to communicate PM2.5 levels. 

ColorAQI Category and Index Value
Code GreenGood (0 – 50)
Code YellowModerate (51 – 100)
Code OrangeUnhealthy for Sensitive Groups (101 – 150)
Code RedUnhealthy (151 – 200)
Code PurpleVery Unhealthy (201 – 300)
Code MaroonHazardous (301+)

Code Orange air quality represents air quality unhealthy for sensitive groups, including older adults, children, and people with existing health conditions. Code Red, Purple and Maroon air quality represents air quality unhealthy for everyone. Be sure to take appropriate action to keep yourself safe depending on the air quality in your area. 

Resources & Data

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EPA's Smoke-Ready Toolbox has everything you need to know to prepare to reduce your health risk before a wildfire.

EPA Smoke Ready Tool-Box

One option to improve indoor air quality is to make a DIY air cleaner

DIY Air Cleaner to Reduce Wildfire Smoke Indoors: Basic Design. Materials: 20" x 20" x 1" or 4" air filter (suggested rating: MERV 13) and a 20"x20"  box fan. Only use certified fans with UL or ETL marking (2012 model or newer). Other materials: Clamps, or duct tape or bungee cords. Assembly: 1. Attach the air filter to the back of the box fan using either clamps, duct tape or bungee cords. 2. Check the filter for the direction of the air flow (marked on the side of the filter). Replace filters when dirty.

Other health resources:

Information about past, present and forecast future air quality in North Carolina is available from the Air Quality Portal. 

Air Quality Portal

Air Quality Forecasts use the color-coded Air Quality Index (AQI) to communicate PM2.5 levels. Learn more

Additional air quality data tools: 


N.C. Air Awareness
Contact our N.C. Air Awareness team for more information about smoke impacts.
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