DC Fast Charging Infrastructure Program - Existing Sites

DAQ announced the grant awardees on Oct. 25, 2022. The 13 projects to public and private organizations will upgrade existing DC Fast charging sites across the state. These projects will add five new ports and replace 11 others that are obsolete or non-functioning.

View award list

In Phase 2 of the program, $1.6 million in Volkswagen funds are allocated to the DC Fast Program - Existing Sites. This program is designed to replace obsolete DC Fast chargers and expand current DC Fast charging site in the state's ZEV fast charging infrastructure network.  

NC VW Phase 2 DC Fast Charging Infrastructure Program Summary


Eligible Action Category

Program Funding Amount

DC Fast Program - Existing Sites

Light Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Supply Equipment 




To be notified for future Phase 2 announcements, please send an email with "Subscribe" in the subject line to daq.nc_vwgrants@deq.nc.gov.

Funding Levels - DC Fast Program - Existing Sites
Charging CapacityExisting or Replacement DC Fast (per port)Maximum Number of Ports Funded per Application
Government Owned PropertyNon-Government Owned Property
50kW to 60kW$45,000$36,0004
61kW to 75kW$57,500$46,0004
76kW to 120kW$75,000$60,0002
121kW and over$110,000$88,0002
Release of RFPApril 11, 2022
Application open in DAQ Grants Management SystemApril 11, 2022
Webinar for new DAQ Grants Management System UsersApril 18, 2022
First Program RFP information sessionApril 25, 2022
Information sessions will be online and registration is required. Dates and times will be posted on our website, https://deq.nc.gov/VWsettlement.
Proposal application must be submitted in DAQ Grants Management SystemJuly 11, 2022
Proposal application evaluationsJuly - August 2022
Phase 2 project selectionsSeptember 2022
Grant awards announcedOctober 25, 2022


Organizations that own or operate a DC Fast charging site in an eligible location submitted proposal applications for the DC Fast ZEV Charging Program. Eligible applicants included:

  • Incorporated nonprofits
  • Public school districts  
  • Municipal governments and municipal authorities 
  • NC State government agencies
  • NC Tribal government agencies
  • Metropolitan or rural planning organizations located in North Carolina
  • Businesses – corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships, limited liability companies, business trusts or other legal business entities incorporated in or registered with the NC Department of the Secretary of State  
  • Air quality or transportation organizations
  • Federal government agencies located in North Carolina

For full details, read the Request for Proposal.

Documents and Workshops

Tab/Accordion Items

Before you submit your application, check your eligibility in the RFP.

Download Required Attachments Checklist

This checklist includes all the required attachments for applications.

Helpful Documents

Application Checklist

Additional Resources

Send Questions to DAQ VW Grants

A sample application from data entered into the DAQ Grants Management System and Vehicle spreadsheet are provided below.

Example DC Fast Application


Tab/Accordion Paragraph
April 25, 2022

NC Phase 2 DC Fast Program Existing Site Upgrades

View the recording of the DC Fast Existing Sites Program webinar held on April 25, 2022.

Download the DC Fast Existing Sites Program presentation (.ppt).