Air Quality Permitting
Permitting Section
The Permitting Section handles the issuance, renewal, and modification of air quality permits in North Carolina. Currently, we work with more than 2,000 facilities in the state.
Online Access to Air Quality Permits
| Modifying or Applying for an Air Quality PermitDownload forms and instructions to apply for or modify an air quality permit, including:
| Title V Email ListThe North Carolina Division of Air Quality Permitting Section maintains an email list for the dissemination of permitting information to interested parties. These emails include public notices with draft permits and application reviews. Final permits will be distributed through this email list as well. Please note that only permitting actions that are processed through the public notice procedures will be distributed. To have your email address added to the list of recipients, please send a request to Mark Cuilla. |
Annual Compliance Certification FormAnnual compliance certification is required under 40 CFR 70.6(c), 15A NCAC Sections 2Q.0508(t) and 2Q.0508(bb), and Section 3-General Condition P of the Title V Operating Permit. | Industry-Specific Permitting Actions and Information |
Intent to ConstructDetailed information on construction activities that may be undertaken prior to securing an air permit. | Modeling and MeteorologyGet assistance with meteorological modeling as related to obtaining an air quality permit. |
Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSM) DeterminationsView DAQ Determinations related to NHSM and CISWI | NSR PermittingCurrent applications, recent permits & reviews, and guidance on permits issued under NSR regulations. |
North Carolina Air Toxics | Permitting Procedures Memos and GuidanceView DAQ permitting memos and guidance documents. |
112(j) Permitting ProgramObtain detailed information about who is subject to the NCDAQ 112(j) permitting requirements including permit application requirements. |
Mark Cuilla
Chief, Permitting Section
Rahul Thaker
Title V Permitting Branch Supervisor
Joseph Voelker
New Source Review Branch Supervisor
Mark Yoder
Air Quality Analysis Branch Supervisor