DCM Offices & Program Areas
Morehead City Headquarters
Serves: Carteret, Craven – south of the Neuse River, Onslow Counties
Note: Variance requests, appeals and other correspondence of a legal nature should be mailed to this office.
Elizabeth City District
Washington District
Wilmington District
Raleigh Office
c/o DWR Transportation Permitting Unit
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Cathy Brittingham, Transportation Project Coordinator
Coastal Reserve Headquarters Office
Coastal Reserve Wilmington Office
Coastal Reserve Northern Sites Office
Manteo, NC 27954
252-475-7219 (temporary number)
Coastal Reserve Columbia Office
205 South Ludington Drive
Columbia, NC 27925
Division Management
Tancred Miller, Director
Morehead City Office
VACANT, Deputy Director
Morehead City Office
CAMA Major Permits
CAMA Permit Compliance/Enforcement
CAMA Land-Use Planning
Oceanfront Erosion/Coastal Hazards
Public Information/Media Relations
Coastal Reserve Beaufort Office
Public Beach/Waterfront Access Grants
N.C. Coastal Reserve Program
Wilmington Coastal Reserve Office
Clean Marina Program & Marine Sewage Pumpout Grants
Human Resources/Budget Management
Find a Field Rep Locator Tool

The Division of Coastal Management has launched a new interactive mapping tool to assist the public in identifying the appropriate field representative in the 20 coastal counties to start the CAMA permit application process in your area. The tool provides this information in a simple map format. The location query will generate a pop-up box with contact information to “Find a Field Rep”.
Landowners, contractors, and others can use the tool to identify the Division of Coastal Management field staff serving as the first point of contact for permitting inquiries and processes.
Click here to Find a Field Rep in your CAMA region.