Dam Safety Program Overview
Due to Hurricane Helene recovery efforts, please allow extra time for responses from Dam Safety, as review timelines may go beyond what is typical.
Dam Safety Program

Dam Emergency Contact:
1-800-858-0368 / damsafety@deq.nc.gov
Mailing address:
- Dam Safety Program, 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address:
- Dam Safety Program, 512 North Salisbury Street, 5th floor, Raleigh, NC 27604
Name | Title | Responsibilities | |
Vacant | State Dam Safety Engineer | Oversees Dam Safety Program | |
Sue White | Senior Assistant Dam Safety Engineer | sue.white@deq.nc.gov | Assists in overseeing Dam Safety Program - Reviews As-Builts & Operations and Maintenance Plans - Approves EAP's - Responsible for NDSP pre-2024 |
Hadush Hagos | Assistant Dam Safety Engineer III | hadush.hagos@deq.nc.gov | Reviews engineering plans |
Art Sengupta | Assistant Dam Safety Engineer III | art.sengupta@deq.nc.gov | Reviews engineering plans - Responsible for HHPD Program pre-2024 |
Jordan Pappas | Assistant Dam Safety Engineer III | jordan.pappas@deq.nc.gov | Reviews engineering plans |
Jacob Smith | Geologist/Hydrogeologist | jacob.smith@deq.nc.gov | Reviews Jurisdictional Determination and Hazard Classifications - GIS Specialist |
Francis Tubolino | Environmental Specialist II | francis.tubolino@deq.nc.gov | Reviews Emergency Action Plans |
Brittany Hallowell | Dam Safety Engineer I | brittany.hollowell@deq.nc.gov | Reviews engineering plans |
Emilia Guerrero | Dam Safety Grants Administrator | emilia.guerrero@deq.nc.gov | Responsible for HHPD and NDSP |
Lauren Kiddy | Dam Safety Administrative Specialist | lauren.kiddy@deq.nc.gov | Responsible for application intake |
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Please reach out to Grants Specialist, Emilia Guerrero (emilia.guerrero@deq.nc.gov) for inquiries related to dam safety funding opportunities.
NC Dam Safety - Application Review Queue
* Please note that the review queue includes all application types (As-builts, JDHC's, O&M, etc..) and so your position in the queue may not represent where your specific application type is with our various reviewers. Please feel free to reach out to us for specific questions about your position in the queue!
Terms of Use:
- The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality shall not be held liable for any errors in this metadata. This included errors of omission, commission, errors concerning the content of the data, and relative and positional accuracy of the data. These data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which these data were compiled must be consulted for verification of information.
In an effort to increase transparency and data sharing for the dams across the state, NC Dam Safety has recently produced a few new Web-Applications using the ESRI ArcGIS Online Platform. These WebApps consist of the same data that can be found in the NC Dam Inventory Data Sheet and have some built in tools and functionality to facilitate a greater understanding by the citizens of North Carolina.
Terms of Use:
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality shall not be held liable for any errors in this metadata. This included errors of omission, commission, errors concerning the content of the data, and relative and positional accuracy of the data. These data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which these data were compiled must be consulted for verification of information.
(October 10, 2023) Fee Structure Change, a nonrefundable application processing and compliance fee in the amount of 2.25% of the actual cost of construction, repair, alteration, breach or removal of the applicable dam shall be paid for the processing of applications for approvals to construction a new dam or modify, repair, decommission, remove or breach an existing dam. Please refer here: Dam Safety Applications and Fees | NC DEQ
- (February 1, 2023) Effective immediately, hard copies are required for engineering plans/drawings only. Hard copies are not required for Emergency Actions Plans, Jurisdictional Determinations/Hazard Classifications, Operations and Maintenance Manuals, or other supporting documentation (e.g., design reports, calculation packages, etc.) submitted alongside engineering plans for repair, modification, new construction, or as-builts. In addition, only one hard copy is required for submission to the applicable Regional Office. No hard copies are required to be submitted to the Central Office. An application is considered complete once a full electronic copy of the application has been received and acknowledged by the damsafety@deq.nc.gov account.
- (September 2022) NC Dam Safety won the Southeast Regional Award of Merit for its innovations in Digital Inspection Forms leading the charge in performing Dam Condition Assessments and creating a Semi-Quantitative Risk Analysis; as well as for efforts in establishing a statewide Overtopping Study leading to use in development of dam asset mapping/management and emergency preparedness and response. See the story here: North Carolina Dam Safety Program receives award for technology innovations - The Daily Tar Heel
- (March 25, 2022) NC Dam Safety has revised guidance on how we define small and large trees on a dam and its appurtenant structures. The general guidance is as such: "The purpose of this memo is to revise this guidance to define small and large trees as those with diameters at breast height of less than or greater than six inches, respectively." See Full Memo here: Guidance Regarding Trees on Dams
- (March 25, 2022) NC Dam Safety has revised guidance on what constitutes Maintenance, Repair and Modification Activities on Dams and ask they you review the full memorandum here: Guidelines for Maintenance, Repair and Modification Activities on Dams
- (May 21, 2022) NC Dam Safety completed the Cape Fear Overtopping Study which concludes the comprehensive study of the overtopping potential for dams in the major river basins typically affected during hurricane events. The study also included the Lumber and Neuse River basins where the results of the study have already been successfully utilized during Hurricane Ian preparation efforts in 2022.