UST Current Funding Levels

(Updated 11/19/2020)

Effective Oct. 11, 2004, the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality is directing work at petroleum underground storage tank release sites that are eligible to receive reimbursement from the N.C. Commercial State Trust Funds.


Effective November 19, 2020, ALL intermediate risk releases from commercial USTs are required to proceed with necessary clean-up activities. Responsible parties will be notified in writing of their requirement to proceed with all necessary corrective actions. (Risk, Rank and Abatement score of I-0000 and above)

Effective Feb. 1, 2016, releases from commercial USTs that have an Intermediate Risk, Rank and Abatement score of 110 and above are required to proceed with necessary risk re-evaluation procedures, using the tasks proscribed in the associated task list. Responsible parties will be notified in writing of their requirement to proceed with all necessary assessment and corrective actions. (Risk, Rank and Abatement score of I-110 and above)

Effective May 1, 2012, releases from commercial USTs that have an Intermediate Risk, Rank and Abatement score of 125 and above are required to proceed with necessary clean-up activities. Responsible parties will be notified in writing of their requirement to proceed with all necessary corrective actions. (Risk, Rank and Abatement score of I-125 and above)

Effective April 1, 2011, releases from commercial USTs that have an Intermediate Risk, Rank and Abatement score of 150 and above are required to proceed with necessary clean-up activities. Responsible parties will be notified in writing of their requirement to proceed with all necessary corrective actions. (Risk, Rank and Abatement score of I-150 and above)

Effective September 1, 2010, releases from commercial USTs that have an Intermediate Risk, Rank and Abatement score of 175 and above are required to proceed with necessary clean-up activities. Responsible parties will be notified in writing of their requirement to proceed with all necessary corrective actions. (Risk, Rank and Abatement score of I-175 and above)

Effective November 2, 2009, ALL high risk releases from commercial USTs are required to proceed with necessary clean-up activities. Responsible parties will be notified in writing of their requirement to proceed with all necessary corrective actions. (Risk, Rank and Abatement score of H-000 and above)