Compliance and Enforcement
The primary purpose of the Compliance and Inspections Program is the protection and safeguarding of the public health and the environment by ensuring industry's compliance with the North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Rules codified at 15A NCAC 13A.
This effort is accomplished in a variety of ways, including comprehensive on-site evaluations of waste streams, hazardous waste management practices (including waste minimization) and recordkeeping at all generators, transporters and treatment, storage and disposal facilities. These efforts have greatly expanded over the years to include case development audits at non-notifier sites and technical assistance visits to provide regulatory support for a particular initiative, regulation or waste stream. An additional and integral method to ensure compliance includes providing a proactive education program designed to equip the regulated community with the knowledge and ability to appropriately manage their hazardous waste. Several generator education courses and associated seminars are conducted annually by the staff for the regulated community. Since a timely and effective enforcement program must be maintained against violators, the Inspections Program enforcement methods include a range of actions from Ticket Notice of Violations to Administrative Orders with penalties.
The Compliance and Inspections Program also provides direction and technical support during emergency response situations and responds to complaints involving hazardous waste. These situations may arise through, but are not limited to manufacturing processes, accidental spills/releases and situations involving homeowners.
For assistance with specific compliance issues at a facility, please contact the appropriate inspector as shown on the link below:
Sean Morris (919) 270 2714 (West Supervisor)
Richard Concepcion (919) 270-1465 (East Supervisor)
Brent Burch (919) 270 2049 (Compliance Branch Head)