Waste Management Online Documents and Environmental Data
The Division of Waste Management developed a GIS-based application that consolidates all of the division’s sites into one easy-to-use, interactive map. It's called the Site Locator Tool, and allows the public to search and find any facility permitted by the Division. The Site Locator Tool not only provides this information in a simple map format, but also has the capability to query, create reports, download, print maps and link to site-specific documents.
The tool, as it is commonly referred to, takes multiple databases and GIS maps found within the division, and combines them into one. There is a search box that allows people to use an address, name or id number to locate a site. Once the site is found, people can view any records associated with it and zoom out to see surrounding sites regulated by the Division of Waste Management.
Most files associated with the facilities are also linked to the search results. The exception is underground storage tanks, which permits about 6,000 facilities and is in the process of converting paper records to electronic files.
When viewing files in Laserfiche, you may receive this error. This issue is due to a change in the version of software being used. Deleting your browser’s cookies and cached images/files should clear the error. After clearing these files you can try to reload the page or go back and click the link to file again.

The Division of Waste Management uses EQuIS - Environmental Quality Information Systems - to gather, sort and analyze environmental data. EQuIS is an advanced environmental data management and decision support system. The division uses it to manage large amounts of data pertaining to environmental chemistry, biology, geology, geotechnical, hydrology, limnology, air, and associated compliance monitoring activities.
Learn more about EQuIS.
The Division of Waste Management has transitioned from one document management system (CARA/Documentum) to another system, called Laserfiche. The N.C. Division of Waste Management’s CARA/Documentum document management system is no longer available; all files have been moved to the Laserfiche system. Division of Waste Management's Document Management System lets you view and print files for many permits and environmental reports. Staff continue to update the database daily with permits and reports generated by the division. Save time by reading the Weblink User's Guide.
- Laserfiche WebLink (public interface, new document management system)
- Laserfiche Web Access (internal licensed users)
Use the following guidance to access different Division of Waste Management's program areas in the Laserfiche system:
- Brownfields Customers
- Superfund Customers
- Hazardous Waste Customers
- UST Customers (Corrective Action and Trust Fund)
The Division of Waste Management has four sections. The section names are: Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste, Superfund and Underground Storage Tank (UST). The sections maintain separate file rooms to assist the public with requests to review files. Due to resource limitations, however, we are unable to provide file search and copy services. You may wish to hire someone to perform your search. A number of firms listed in your telephone directory's yellow pages provide this service.
The mailing address for the Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste and Superfund files rooms is Mail Service Center #1646, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646. The mailing address for the Underground Storage Tank file room is Mail Service Center #1637, Raleigh, NC 27699-1637.
The street address is 217 West Jones Street in Raleigh, NC. The electronic address for all sections is http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm.
To learn more about how the Department of Environmental Quality handles public records, please consult http://www.enr.state.nc.us/files/pols.htm.
File room procedures and guidance are provided below:
For Hazardous Waste, many facility files are available to the public through our electronic filing system. No login is required. You may search, preview and download files.
If you can't locate a specific Hazardous Waste Section (RCRA) file, contact Scott Ross (919) 707-8272 in the Hazardous Waste Section File Room, Division of Waste Management. Address: DENR, Hazardous Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, 217 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27699.