Southside Park Landfill
Southside Park Landfill – Pre-Regulatory Landfill Site
Remount Road and Toomey Avenue, Charlotte, NC
Site ID: NONCD0000807
Site Overview
A document prepared by The City of Charlotte Parks and Recreation, dated October 11, 1966, states “For many years the area on the southside of Remount Road was used as a landfill site for the disposal of garbage. An incinerator for the burning of waste material was also operated at the southeast corner of Remount Road and Toomey Avenue. The operation of the incinerator was curtailed in June 1946 and terminated in January 1950. Use of adjoining property for landfill continued until January 1956, after which portions of the property were converted to other uses including playgrounds and an animal shelter.”
PRLF is in the process of conducting a comprehensive investigation of the landfill where the goal is to establish the location of the waste disposal area and the extent of associated impacts (contamination). If evidence of the landfill or its associated impacts are observed to potentially continue onto adjoining/nearby properties, the investigation will also extend to those properties until the extent of impacts above regulatory standards are identified. Investigation findings will be used to prepare a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) that details a potential risk-based remedy to address risks identified.
Based on investigation findings, Mecklenburg County isolated areas of the park that exceeded risk levels with fencing and closed the athletic fields for use and reservations.
The planned investigation activities for the site are outlined below and will be updated when completed with a link to the associated report.
Historical Use Research; Water Source Survey; Sensitive Environments Survey
Report: First Phase Activities (August 19, 2024)
Above Ground Vapor Survey – Mecklenburg County Property
Description: Air measurements for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and methane collected using hand-held instruments in grids across the ground surface of the park.
Report: First Phase Activities (August 19, 2024)
Soil Cover Evaluation – Mecklenburg County Property
Description: Borings and analytical soil samples from the top 12-inches of soil collected in 100-foot by 100-foot grids across the park to evaluate potential risks to users and the suitability of the existing soil for use as a permanent cover.
Summary of Results:
- NCDEQ risk levels for Residential (Unrestricted) Use and/or EPA residential lead screening levels exceeded at 14 of 64 sample grids/locations. Lead and cobalt are the primary drivers of risk exceedances.
- Soil cover thickness is less than 12-inches at 7 of 64 Sample Grids.
Map: Soil Cover Assessment Summary Map – Mecklenburg County Property
Map: Soil Cover Lead Concentrations Map - Mecklenburg County Property
Geophysical Survey – Mecklenburg County Property
Description: A non-invasive survey to collect information about the sub-surface to guide waste delineation activities with the goal of identifying the extents of the waste disposal area. The results are preliminary in nature and can vary from actual conditions and must be field verified.
Report: Geophysical Survey and Soil Cover Evaluation (August 21, 2024) - Mecklenburg County Property
Soil Cover Evaluation – Select Sampling for Disposal Planning – Mecklenburg County Property
Description: Collection of soil samples from 17 grids/areas that exceeded NCDEQ risk levels for Residential (Unrestricted) Use, had insufficient soil cover (less than 12-inches), or exceeded the EPA residential screening level for lead. The results will be used for planning purposes to help understand disposal requirements if the soil is excavated and disposed off-site.
Map: Soil Cover Results Map - Select Sampling for Disposal Planning - Mecklenburg County Property
Community Meeting (November 11, 2024)
Description: A community meeting was held on November 11, 2024, by Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation with representatives from NCDEQ PRLF, S&ME (PRLF Contractor), and Mecklenburg County Public Health Department.
Presentation: Community Meeting Presentation (November 11, 2024)
Geophysical Survey – City of Charlotte Properties
Description: A non-invasive survey to collect information about the sub-surface to guide waste delineation activities with the goal of identifying the extents of the waste disposal area. The results are preliminary in nature and can vary from actual conditions and must be field verified.
Report: Southside Park Landfill Geophysical Survey Report - City of Charlotte Properties (December 18, 2024)
Waste Delineation – Mecklenburg County and City of Charlotte Properties
Description: Borings to estimate the horizontal extent (footprint) of the WDA. This will also provide some information on the vertical extent (waste thickness).
Preliminary Results: Waste was encountered at numerous locations at the park properties and additional delineation is ongoing to further evaluate the WDA. Waste appears to extend to some park adjoining properties, and the investigation will continue onto those properties pending access approval.
Map: Waste Delineation & Thickness Map - Mecklenburg County and City of Charlotte Properties
Report: Waste Delineation Report - Mecklenburg County and City of Charlotte Properties (January 13, 2025)
Topographic and Boundary Survey
Description: Survey of the site for mapping purposes and planning of potential remediation activities.
Background Soil Sampling
Description: Collection of site-specific background soil samples to compare the potential risks associated with naturally occurring compounds found in the environment to compounds found at the site.
Soil Cover Evaluation – City of Charlotte Properties
Description: Borings and analytical soil samples from the top 12-inches in 100-foot by 100-foot grids across the waste disposal area to evaluate potential risks to users and the suitability of the existing soil for use as a permanent cover.
Groundwater Investigation
Description: Construction and sampling of monitoring wells to determine if groundwater quality has been impacted.
Soil Gas/Vapor Investigation
Description: Construction of landfill gas probes, soil gas probes, sub-slab soil gas probes, and indoor air probes (as needed) to collect samples to document conditions and determine if vapor intrusion to nearby structures is of concern.
Surface Water/Sediment Investigation
Description: Sample collection of surface water and sediment from the stream adjacent to the site.
Remedial Investigation Summary Report
Description: A report summarizing the investigation activities completed and the results.
Draft Remedial Action Plan (Draft RAP)
Description: A report detailing a potential risk-based remedy that addresses potential risks identified during the investigation. The Draft RAP will be posted for public comment prior to implementation.
For questions, comments, or concerns about the site or ongoing project, please contact:
Sean Gallagher
PRLF Project Manager
For general information about the PRLF Program, please visit the link below:
Documents and data for the site, including investigation results, will also be posted to the following link: