Pre-Regulatory Landfill Program

Pre-Regulatory Landfill Program

The Pre-Regulatory Landfill Unit (Unit) within the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch was established under North Carolina law in 2007 to address pre-1983 non-industrial landfills and dumps. A pre-regulatory landfill is defined as any land area, whether publicly or privately owned, on which municipal solid waste disposal occurred prior to January 1, 1983, but not thereafter, and does not include any landfill used primarily for the disposal of industrial solid waste. 

The legislation passed in 2007 imposes a tax of $2 per ton on municipal solid waste and construction and demolition debris disposed in landfills in North Carolina or transferred out of state for disposal. One half of this tax goes to the Branch to prioritize, assess and implement remedial action plans for each pre-regulatory landfill. The Pre-Regulatory Landfill Unit has dedicated staff to oversee firms under contract to conduct the assessment and remediation work.

A unit of local government may voluntarily undertake assessment of a pre-1983 landfill and remedial action of imminent hazards. The local government may get reimbursed if the assessment work is pre-approved by the Unit and complies with the requirements of G.S. 130A-310.6 (f).

The following link will open the Division of Waste Management Site Locator Tool, DWM Site Locator Tool. This tool can be used to find pre-1983 landfills in North Carolina. 

PRLF Unit Guidance Documents:

Guidelines for Addressing Pre-Regulatory Landfills and Dumps

The Guidelines for Addressing Pre-Regulatory Landfills and Dumps is a comprehensive document that includes information outlining Unit procedures to complete assessments and implementation of remedial action plans.  The guidance document also includes information for the Local Government Reimbursement Program.

Guidelines for Optional Property Owner Suspension of Site Remedial Action and Assumption of Risk

The Guidelines for Optional Property Owner Suspension of Site Remedial Action and Assumption of Risk have been developed in relation to G.S.130A-310.6(c).


Ryan Channell, Unit Supervisor
(919) 707-8333

Zi-qiang Chen

Jason Kam

Brian Wright
(919) 707-8345

Sean Gallagher
(919) 707-8363
Kevin Kelt
(919) 707-8331
Laura Oborne
(919) 707-8291
Ian Keck
(919) 707-8114
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