Construction & Disbursement of Funds

Construction & Inspection

  • Division project manager will attend the preconstruction conference to review all requirements including inspections, change orders, conformance with plans and specifications, and environmental requirements.
  • The project engineer will make periodic inspections of funded projects to review construction aspects and conformance with federal loan conditions.
  • Results of inspections will be discussed at the job site upon completion and written inspection reports will be prepared if problems are found.
  • Change orders due to changes in costs, completion date, design alteration, or other changes from original contract terms and conditions are reviewed for eligibility.  Submit one copy of executed change orders and supporting documentation to the project engineer for determination.

Disbursement Procedures

  • Disbursement requests should be submitted following the procedures outlined here.
  • Disbursement request forms must have original signature of authorized representative.
  • Include invoices for all work done and purchases made as detailed in the procedures.
  • For land acquisition and/or relocation, include a deed or receipt showing that grantee has deposited the fair market value of any acquired property.
  • The division will not disburse more than 95 percent of project costs until the items on the Project Closeout Checklist have been completed and form completed.  
  • The division recommends that you request disburement for the applicable administrative fee with the first disbursement request for programs that allow this to be included in the loan. You must pay the applicable administrative fee (the invoice transmitted with the Part B) before receiving a second disbursement.
  • Submit your disbursement forms here or email them to:

  • The sales taxes collected as part of this project’s expenses are not reimbursable if they are to be reimbursed by the NC Department of Revenue. A certification was provided with the Award Offer that the owner shall provide by the first reimbursement request indicating if DOR reimbursement is being sought. You must submit a sales tax certificate covering the same time period as each prime contractor's partial payment request.
