Public Notification Rule - Tier Levels
Tier 1: Immediate Notice (within 24 hours)
Notice within 24 hours via radio, TV, hand delivery, posting, or other method specified by the State of NC, along with other methods, if needed, to reach persons served. PWSs must also initiate consultation with the State of NC within 24 hours. The State's Public Notification Rule Manager may establish additional requirements during consultation.
Tier 1 Violations:
- E. coli violations; failure to test for E. coli after initial total coliform sample tests positive.
- Nitrate, nitrite, or total nitrate and nitrite MCL violation; failure to take a confirmation sample within 24 hours after learning an initial sample exceeded the MCL.
- Chlorine Dioxide MRDL violation in distribution system; failure to take samples in distribution system when required.
- Exceedance of maximum allowable turbidity level, if elevated to Tier 1 by the State.
- Special notice for non-community water systems (NCWS) with nitrate exceedances between 10 mg/L and 20 mg/L, where system is allowed to exceed 10 mg/L by the State.
- Waterborne disease outbreak or other waterborne emergency.
- Other violations or situations determined by the State.
Tier 2: Notice as Soon as Possible (within 30 days)
Tier 2 notice requirements are outlined in all violation letters and an example notice and a public notification certification form are also included with the letters.
Tier 2 Violations:
- All MCL, MRDL, and treatment technique violations, except where Tier 1 notice is required.
- Monitoring violations, if elevated to Tier 2 by the State.
- Failure to comply with variance and exemption conditions.
- Turbidity Consultation - Where PWSs have a treatment technique violation resulting from a single exceedance of the maximum allowable turbidity limit or an MCL violation resulting from an exceedance of the two-day turbidity limit, they must consult the State within 24 hours. The State will then determine whether a Tier 1 notice is necessary. If consultation does not occur within 24 hours, violations are automatically elevated to Tier 1.
Tier 3: Annual Notice (within one year of violation date)
Tier 3 notice requirements are outlined in all violation letters and an example notice and a public notification certification form are also included with the letters.
Tier 3 Violations:
- Monitoring or testing violations, unless the State elevates to Tier 1 or 2.
- Operation under a variance or an exemption
- Special public notices (fluoride secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL) exceedance, availability of unregulated contaminant monitoring results).
Effective May 6, 2002, Public Water Systems must comply with the revised Public Notification Regulations (40 CFR 141, Subchapter Q). This revision requires that notices must be sent within 24 hours, 30 days or one year depending upon the tier in which the violation is assigned. The "time-clock" for notification starts when the public water system learns of the violation or the violation awareness date.
Violation Awareness Dates
Type of Violation | Awareness Date |
E. Coli MCL1 and all other Tier 1 in which the violation is assigned. The "time-clock" violations | The date the analysis was completed |
All other MCL, MRDL2, SMCL3, and other Tier 2 in which the violation is assigned. The "time-clock" violations | Within 2 days of the completion of the analysis |
Monitoring violations and other Tier 3 in which the violation is assigned. The "time-clock" violations | The date of the violation letter |
1MCL: maximum contaminant level
2MRDL: maximum residual disinfectant level
3SMCL: secondary maximum contaminant level
Notice requirements are outlined in all violation letters. An example notice and a public notification certification form are also included with the letters.
Where the PWS serves 30 percent or more non-English speaking customers, the system must provide information in the appropriate language(s) on the importance of the notice or on how to get assistance or a translated copy.
PWSs that sell or otherwise provide drinking water to other public water systems are required to give public notice to the owner or operator of the purchasing system. The purchasing system is responsible for providing public notification to the persons it serves. Notices must be provided to all persons served (not just billing customers.)
Systems have 10 days after completing the initial public notification to send the Public Notification Certification Form and a copy of the completed notice to the: Public Notification Rule Manager, Compliance Services Branch, 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1634.
Contact the Public Notification Rule Manager for more information
Public Notification Certification Form [MS Word ] [PDF]
Model Notices
The following templates contain the ten elements (see the check list on the Public Notification Certification Form) required by the Revised Public Notification Rule. If you alter the format of the template in any way, you are still required to include all ten elements which includes the mandatory language shown in bold italics on each notice template. A separate certification form must be submitted if the system does not use the preformatted notice/certification forms provided.
Abbreviations used:
- MCL: maximum contaminant level violation
- MRDL: maximum residual disinfectant level
- CWS: community water system
- M/R: monitoring/reporting violation
- OCCT: optimal corrosion control treatment
- NC: non-community water system
Tier 1 and Tier 2 MCL and Treatment Technique Notices (by Contaminant)
Asbestos: | ||
Asbestos MCL | MS Word | |
Revised Total Coliform Rule: | ||
E. coli/ MCL | MS Word | |
E. coli / (Spanish version for posting only) | MS Word | |
Failure to Meet Treatment Technique Requirements for Seasonal Start-up Procedure | MS Word | |
Ground Water Rule: | ||
GWR Fecal Indicator - Positive Source Sample - Boil Water Notice | MS Word | |
Disinfection Byproducts: | ||
Bromate/Bromide MCL | MS Word | |
Chloramines MRDL | MS Word | |
Chlorine Dioxide MRDL (Tier 1 Violation) | MS Word | |
Chlorine Dioxide MRDL (Tier 2 Violation) | MS Word | |
Chlorine MRDL Violation | MS Word | |
Chlorine/Chloramines (Disinfection Byproducts) Monitoring and Reporting | MS Word | |
Chlorite MCL Violation | MS Word | |
Haloacetic Acid (HAA5) MCL (Locational Running Annual Average) | MS Word | |
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) MCL (Running Annual Average) | MS Word | |
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Monitoring and Reporting | MS Word | |
Total Trihalomethane (TTHM) MCL (Locational Running Annual Average) | MS Word | |
Inorganic: | ||
Antimony MCL | MS Word | |
Arsenic MCL | MS Word | |
Barium MCL | MS Word | |
Beryllium MCL | MS Word | |
Cadmium MCL | MS Word | |
Chromium MCL | MS Word | |
Cyanide MCL | MS Word | |
Fluoride MCL | MS Word | |
Fluoride SMCL (Tier 3) | MS Word | |
Mercury MCL | MS Word | |
Selenium MCL | MS Word | |
Thallium MCL | MS Word | |
Lead and Copper: | ||
90th Percentile Lead Action Level Exceedance (Tier 1) | MS Word | |
Failure to Submit OCCT Recommendation for: | ||
Copper | MS Word | |
Lead | MS Word | |
Lead & Copper | MS Word | |
Lead & Copper (with past exceedance) | MS Word | |
Lead Public Education Failure | MS Word | |
Nitrate/Nitrite: | ||
Nitrate MCL | MS Word | |
Nitrate MCL(Spanish version for posting only) | MS Word | |
Nitrite MCL | MS Word | |
Radionuclides: | ||
Combined Radium (Radium 226 & Radium 228) MCL | MS Word | |
Gross Alpha MCL | MS Word | |
Gross Beta MCL | MS Word | |
Uranium MCL | MS Word | |
Surface Water Treatment Rules: | ||
Failure to Meet Treatment Technique Requirements for Disinfectant Contact Times | MS Word | |
Failure to Meet Treatment Technique Requirements for Disinfectant Residual Levels | MS Word | |
Treatment Techniques (Other): | ||
Acrylamide MCL | MS Word | |
Epichlorohydrin MCL | MS Word | |
Turbidity (Effective January 1, 2005): | ||
95% Exceedance Turbidity MCL | MS Word | |
Turbidity MCL (single sample) - Tier 2 Violation | MS Word | |
Turbidity MCL (single sample) - Tier 1 Violation | MS Word | |
Turbidity Exceedance of both 95% and Single Sample MCL - Tier 1 Violation | MS Word | |
Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOCs): | ||
2,4,5-TP (Silvex) MCL | MS Word | |
2,4-D MCL | MS Word | |
Alachlor MCL | MS Word | |
Atrazine MCL | MS Word | |
Benzo(a)pyrene MCL | MS Word | |
Carbofuran MCL | MS Word | |
Chlordane MCL | MS Word | |
Dalapon MCL | MS Word | |
Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) MCL | MS Word | |
Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate MCL | MS Word | |
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate MCL | MS Word | |
Dinoseb MCL | MS Word | |
Endrin MCL | MS Word | |
Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) MCL | MS Word | |
Heptachlor Epoxide MCL | MS Word | |
Heptachlor MCL | MS Word | |
Hexachlorobenzene MCL | MS Word | |
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene MCL | MS Word | |
Lindane MCL | MS Word | |
Methoxychlor MCL | MS Word | |
Oxamyl(vydate) MCL | MS Word | |
PCB's MCL | MS Word | |
Pentachlorophenol MCL | MS Word | |
Picloram MCL | MS Word | |
Simazine MCL | MS Word | |
Toxaphene MCL | MS Word | |
Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs): | ||
1,1,1-Trichloroethane MCL | MS Word | |
1,1,2-Trichloroethane MCL | MS Word | |
1,1,-Dichloroethylene MCL | MS Word | |
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene MCL | MS Word | |
1,2-Dichloroethane MCL | MS Word | |
1,2-Dichloropropane MCL | MS Word | |
Benzene MCL | MS Word | |
Carbon Tetrachloride MCL | MS Word | |
Chlorobenzene MCL | MS Word | |
Cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene MCL | MS Word | |
Dichloromethane MCL | MS Word | |
Ethylbenzene MCL | MS Word | |
o-Dichlorobenzene MCL | MS Word | |
p-Dichlorobenzene MCL | MS Word | |
Styrene MCL | MS Word | |
Tetrachloroethylene MCL | MS Word | |
Toluene MCL | MS Word | |
Trans-1,2,-Dichloroethylene MCL | MS Word | |
Trichloroethylene MCL | MS Word | |
Vinyl Chloride MCL | MS Word | |
Xylenes (Total) MCL | MS Word |
Tier 3 Monitoring and Reporting Violation Form
Systems with multiple monitoring violations may create one "composite" notice using this template: