Allison Woods Groundwater Monitoring and Research Station
Iredell County, NC
The Allison Woods groundwater monitoring and research station (AWGMRS) is located in the Piedmont physiographic province, along U.S. Highway 21, approximately 8 miles northeast of Statesville in Iredell County, North Carolina. The AWGMRS is located on a forested land belonging to the Allison Woods Foundation. The site is bordered by two small headwater streams, which flow into Rocky Creek – a tributary of South Yadkin River. The elevation at the site ranges from 820 ft to 900 ft. The site is chosen to represent the mafic gneiss hydrogeologic unit in the Inner Piedmont lithotectonic terrane.
The AWGMRS consists of four monitoring well clusters and a series of thirteen piezometers. Each cluster consists of a shallow (regolith) well, a transition-zone well, and a deep (bedrock) well. A continuous soil-bedrock core was collected at each well cluster. The well clusters are generally located along two transects and designed to evaluate the conceptual slope-aquifer model of the Piedmont-Mountains groundwater system. The primary study objectives at this station are to: 1) characterize the hydrogeology and groundwater quality at the site; (2) determine the association between the groundwater quality and hydrogeologic factors; and (3) study the groundwater - surface water interactions at the site. Through long-term monitoring, the study aims to also evaluate the recharge-discharge characteristics of groundwater on a micro-watershed scale in the North Carolina Piedmont.

Location map of the Allison Woods Groundwater Monitoring and Research Station, Iredell County, North Carolina
Huffman, Brad A. and Joju Abraham, 2010, Compilation of Water-Resources Data and Hydrolgeologic Setting for the Allison Woods Research Station in Iredell County, North Carolina, 2005-2008: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1015.
Mooresville Regional Office
NC DEQ-DWR, 610 E Center Ave, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115
(704) 663-1699