Morgan Mill Groundwater Monitoring and Research Station
Union County, NC
The Morgan Mill groundwater monitoring and research station is located on private land along Morgan Mill Rd (N.C. Highway 200), approximately 12 miles north of Monroe (Figure 1). The Morgan Mill station is located in the Carolina tectonostratigraphic terrane of Union County, North Carolina and lies in the drainage area of Grassy Creek, which flows into Rocky River in the Yadkin River Basin. The elevation at the site is about 550 ft. The site was chosen to represent the Mudstone Member of the Cid Formation, which is known to host wells with elevated concentrations of arsenic in the groundwater.
The Morgan Mill station consists of one shallow regolith monitoring well and two bedrock monitoring wells. A continuous 150-ft long soil-bedrock core of 150-ft was obtained from the site. The core hole was left open to be used as a bedrock piezometer. The overall objective of this study is to investigate the occurrence and distribution of arsenic in the Carolina terrane of Union County, North Carolina. Specifically, this investigation aims to (a) determine a geologic source to the occurrence and distribution of arsenic in the study area and (b) evaluate the geochemical processes affecting the arsenic concentrations in the groundwater through characterization of the hydrogeology and geochemistry of the regolith-bedrock aquifer system.

Abraham, J., 2009. A hydrogeological assessment of arsenic in the Carolina terrane of Union County, North Carolina. Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Circular 2009-001, 40 p.
Mooresville Regional Office
610 E Center Ave, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115
(704) 663-1699