Mooresville Regional Office

610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115
Phone: 704-663-1699
Fax: 704-663-6040
Water Quality Supervisor: Andrew Pitner
Public Water Supply Section Supervisor: Clinton Cook
The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Water Resources serves 11 counties in south-western North Carolina. Regional operations span a range of topics related to protection of the groundwater and surface water resources our citizens rely upon.
Non-point and groundwater protection programs consist of the following: (1) Implement permitting and compliance for land applied wastewater, residuals and reclaimed water; (2) Permit construction of wells for groundwater monitoring and extracting/treating contaminated groundwater, as well as injection wells used for heating, cooling or remediation; and, (3) Perform planning on the interaction of groundwater, surface water and geological formations in order to characterize and anticipate groundwater contamination and potential threats to human health.
Water Quality Regional Operations programs permit animal feeding operations for swine, cattle, and poultry with wet wastewater systems. The program also permits construction of wells for groundwater monitoring and extracting/treating contaminated groundwater, as well as injection wells used for heating, cooling or remediation; and perform planning on the interaction of groundwater, surface water and geological formations in order to characterize and anticipate groundwater contamination and potential threats to human health.
Water Quality Permitting programs are responsible for permitting and compliance in accordance with the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program for wastewater that discharges directly to waters of the state. The program also implements permitting and compliance for land applied wastewater, residuals and reclaimed water. Also regulated by this branch are sewage collection systems, consisting of sewage lines, pump stations and other conveyances that carry waste to the treatment facility. The Pretreatment Program controls and documents the discharge of wastewater from Significant and Categorical Industrial Users to the Publicly Owned Treatment Works.The Wetlands and Stormwater Branch includes oversight of the state's Wetlands 401 Certification program and express permitting unit, stormwater permitting programs, transportation permitting, nonpoint source compliance and oversight, and wetlands and stormwater program development.
The Public Water Supply regional office staff work directly with public water supply system owners and operators to ensure the safety of drinking water in accordance with the requirements of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and the North Carolina Drinking Water Act. These requirements are primarily specified in federal rules that North Carolina has adopted by reference. This is accomplished by providing technical and regulatory assistance and training, conducting sanitary surveys (inspections), reviewing and approving sample plans and reports and issuing notices of deficiency or violation.
Emergency Response
During the normal workday - Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. through 5 p.m. - call the regional office closest to the environmental emergency.
Do not leave a message. Make sure that you speak to an actual person so that you can share information that may be necessary to a fast response.
Outside of normal business hours, call the emergency hot line:
and an appropriate regional staff member will be alerted.
Several permits for activities regulated by the Division of Water Resources are issued through the regional offices.
Sewer Extensions
Permits for non-pressurized sewer system extensions may be issued through the regional offices. Applications for pressurized sewer system extensions must be sent to the DWI Infrastructure Finance Section.
Well Construction
Permits for the installation of several types of wells - industrial high volume water supply (>100,000 gallons per day), monitoring, recovery - and irrigation well construction variances may be issued through the regional offices.
Wetland and Stream Impacts
Activities that require a US Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit may also require a 401 Certification from DWR. If the project disturbs less than an acre, the 401 Certification may be issued by the regional office.
In addition to these permitting activities, the regional office staff may issue modifications for other permits including management plans for animal operations, biosolids application sites and non-discharge land application systems.