Sewer Extension Permitting

Fast Track Sewer Extension Permitting

The Fast-Track Permitting program consists of the submittal of an application and an engineer's certification that the project meets all applicable State rules and Division Minimum Design Criteria.  In return, the Division provides expedited processing without a full technical review.  These projects consist of gravity sewers, pump stations and force mains or any combination of the two.  

***Please note, if the project is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) or Session Law (S.L.) 2023-134 infrastructure funds, please include the ARPA Project number or S.L. 2023-134 DWI project number in the cover letter/narrative description (B.) and in parentheses under Project Name (in Section II.1 of the application). *** 

Alternative Sewer Extension Permitting

Low pressure sewer systems, vacuum sewer systems, and other alternative sewer systems must be submitted to the Municipal Permitting Unit through the standard review process for a full technical review.

Standard Sewer Extension Permitting

Projects that do not meet the 02T rules and current Minimum Design Criteria must be submitted to the Municipal Permitting Unit through the standard review process for a full technical review.  Applications for sewers involving an Environmental Assessment shall not be considered complete until either a Finding of No Significant Impact or Record of Decision is issued.

 Attachments (use for all permit applications)

Permitting by Regulation

Projects meeting the requirements of 15A NCAC 02T .0303 are deemed permitted in accordance with 2T Subchapter .0113 and therefore it may not be necessary for the Division to issue individual permits for coverage.

To determine if your project meets the applicable requirements to be considered deemed permitted, please contact this office or your local regional office.

Adjusted Daily Sewage Flow Design Rate (Flow Reduction)

An adjusted daily sewage flow design rate (design flow reduction) may be requested for certain situations. Note that if the flow reduction request is granted, it is applied to permitted but not yet tributary connections and future connections tributary to the system. The request must show that the sewage system is adequate to meet actual daily wastewater flows from a facility without causing violations at the receiving wastewater treatment plant or capacity-related sanitary sewer overflows within the collection system. Requests should be submitted to the NPDES Municipal Permitting Unit and should meet all requirements of 15A NCAC 02T.0114(f).


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