Public Water Supply Section Forms, Reports & Publications
- Monthly Operating Report Forms for Systems with Ground Water or Purchased Sources
- Treatment Facility (Chlorine), DEQ 3396A
- Treatment Facility (Chloramine), DEQ 3396B
- Additional Meter Readings, DEQ 3396C
- Distribution Facility (Chlorine), DEQ 3397A
- Distribution Facility (Chloramine), DEQ 3397B
- Water Usage Report (Purchased Sources), DEQ 3398
- Distribution Facility (Supplemental Fluoridation Monthly Report)
- MOR Forms Guide
- GPWMOR Application Login
- Ground Water Rule Forms
- Disinfection Byproducts Monthly Operating Reports
- DEQ Form DBP-1 (Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite)
- DEQ Form DBP-2 (Bromate and Bromide)
- DEQ Form DBP-3 (TOC, one set of samples per monitoring period)
- DEQ Form DBP-3E (TOC, multiple samples per monitoring period)
- Surface Water Treatment Rule
- Other Forms
- DEQ Form 3762 (Distribution Bacteriological Analysis) for systems with their own certified bacteriological laboratories and collecting at least 10 samples per month: [pdf] [Excel]
- SOC Waiver Packet: [pdf] [Word]
- Acrylamide and Epichlorohydrin Use Certification Form [pdf] [Word]
- Asbestos Waiver Request and Construction Materials Report Form [pdf] [Word]
- Links to Other Compliance Forms
Advisories and Notices
- Pressure Loss Advisory
- Coliform Boil Water Advisory
- E. coli Bacteria Notice
- Do Not Drink Order
- Do Not Use Order
- Public Notices
Plan Review Forms
- Approval Process & Guidelines
- Forms
- Application for Plan Approval: [Word] [pdf]
- Water System Management Plan Forms
- Engineer's Certification of Project Completion: [Word] [pdf]
- Applicant Certification of Project Completion: [Word] [pdf]
- Applicant Certification for Water Main Extensions not Owned by the Supplier of Water: [Word] [pdf]
- Tank Reconditioning Form [Word] [pdf]
- Extension/Termination of Authorization to Construct [Word] [pdf]
Water System Management Plans
- WSMP Summary Sheet
- WSMP Certification
- Financial Worksheet 1 (20 Year Equipment Replacement Cost Plan)
- Financial Worksheet 2 (Water System Budget) to estimate cash flow
- Financial Worksheet 3 (5 Year Budget Projection)
- Financial Worksheet for Local Governments (LGC-108c)
- Sample Schedule Guidance
- Sampling Status Report
- Program Reports