Science Advisory Board & Related Files

Science Advisory Board's final report to DEQ 
Instream Flow Council's peer review of Science Advisory Board's report to DEQ

The North Carolina General Assembly enacted legislation in 2010 directing the Department of Environmental Quality to develop hydrologic models for each river basin in N.C.  An important part of this bill requires the department to determine the flows needed to maintain ecological integrity in surface waters.  The bill further authorized the creation of a Science Advisory Board to assist the department in assessing these ecological flows. The members and alternates of the board all have a strong background in aquatic ecology and represent a diversity of water use interests.  The board had a charter that helped guide them through this process.

Please note that in accordance with GS 143-355(o)(8) the Science Advisory Board's report to the Department, located at the link above, is not to be used for regulatory purposes.

For any questions or additional information you may contact:

Marla Sink
Public Information Officer / Division of Water Resources
1611 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC  27699-1611
Ph: (919) 707-9033
Fax: (919) 733-3558

March 21, 2014 Forum on the NC Ecological Flows Science Advisory Board (EFSAB) Report:   What does it mean for water planning and policy?

In 2010, the General Assembly directed the creation of an Ecological Flows Science Advisory Board (EFSAB) to assist the NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in characterizing the ecology of the state's river basins and identifying the flows necessary to maintain ecological integrity.  After three years of work, the SAB produced a comprehensive report that advised DEQ about the state of ecological flows in North Carolina.  

On March 21, a forum was held to provide an opportunity for public interest groups, local government and public utilities, state government, researchers, and consultants to hear about the work of the EFSAB and DEQ's plan for use of the EFSAB report.  The forum was also an opportunity for those attending the forum, to provide feedback about the report.  The proceedings of the forum, are designed to help visitors to the EFSAB website, understand the work of the NC Ecological Flows Science Advisory Board.  The proceedings, agenda, and list of participants for the March 21 forum are located here:   Proceedings of the IEI/SOG/NRLI Forum on the Report of the Ecological Flows Science Advisory Board

EFSAB Meetings Nov 2010 - October 2013:  Agendas, Summaries, and Presentations

October 23, 2013

October 22, 2013

September 25, 2013

September 24, 2013

August 21, 2013

August 20, 2013

July 17, 2013

July 16, 2013

June 18, 2013

February 19, 2013

November 27, 2012

October 23, 2012

August 28, 2012

June 19, 2012

April 24, 2012

February 21, 2012

January 17, 2012

November 15, 2011

October 18, 2011

September 20, 2011

August 16, 2011

June 21, 2011

May 17, 2011

March 15, 2011

November 8, 2010


Public Education