
Staff Contacts

Michelle Raquet
Staff Lead, Watauga Basin
(919) 707-9006

Watauga Basinwide Water Quality Plans

Tab/Accordion Items

2018 Watauga River Basin Water Resources Plan

The 2018 Watauga River Basin Water Resources Plan is the fourth document to be developed for the Watauga River basin by the Division of Water Resources (DWR) in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The plan includes six sections covering water quality and water quantity issues in the basin. Information presented in the plan is based on data collected between September 2004 to July 2016. The plan also includes interactive components. Using online tools available through ESRI, a Story Map was developed specifically for the Watauga River basin. Because the interactive components provide a better view of where monitoring locations, permits and streams are located in the basin, only a few locational maps are included in this basin plan. 

Executive Summary

Section 1: Overview (Basin Characteristics) 

  • Basic information about land use and population, nonpoint source pollution (agriculture, forestry, stormwater), programs to protect water resources and stream flow.

Section 2: Monitoring Data and Water Quality Assessment

  • Reviews how chemical, physical and biological parameters are used to assess water quality in North Carolina and overall results for the Watauga River basin.

Section 3: Watershed Chapters

Section 4: Permitted and Registered Activities in the Watauga River Basin

  • General information about existing programs that protect water resources. Examples include wastewater management, stormwater programs, public water supply systems, and underground storage tanks.

Section 5: Water Use and Availability in the Watauga River Basin

  • Provides a summary of water use in the basin. Information related to water use was obtained from LWSPs, information housed in the WWATR database, and national databases available through USGS and USDA. A two-page summary is also available for this section.

Section 6: Local Initiatives and Funding Opportunities

  • This section explores various options for protecting water resources and includes general information as it relates to local initiatives, watershed planning and funding opportunities.


Story Map

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updated 11/09/2018 mmraquet

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