Kerr Lake
Primary Applicant: | Kerr Lake Regional Water System (CH2MHill consulting) | |
Source Basin: | Roanoke | |
Receiving Basins: | Tar, Fishing Creek, Neuse | |
Average Daily for the Maximum Month IBT: | 14.2 MGD | |
Roanoke River to Tar River: | 10.7 MGD | |
Roanoke River to Fishing Creek: | 1.7 MGD | |
Roanoke River to Neuse River: | 1.8 MGD |
The Kerr Lake Regional Water System IBT certificate was approved by the Environmental Management Commission at their November 5, 2015 meeting. - (Certificate)
The Kerr Lake Regional Water System (KLRWS) is a large regional system that provides water directly or indirectly to municipal and county systems in northeastern North Carolina. In February 2009, KLRWS submitted a Notice of Intent to Request an Interbasin Transfer (IBT) Certificate to the Environmental Management Commission. The IBT certificate increased the authorized transfer from 10 million gallons per day (mgd), the grandfathered amount, to 14.2 mgd. The transfer is calculated as the average day of a maximum calendar month from the Roanoke River IBT basin to the Tar River (10.7 mgd), Fishing Creek (1.7 mgd), and Neuse River (1.8 mgd) IBT basins. This transfer volume represents the projected 2045 demands of the existing customer base and anticipated growth of the service area.
The owners of the KLRWS, and primary bulk customers served by the system, are the City of Henderson, the City of Oxford, and Warren County, collectively known as the "Partners." The City of Henderson is the majority partner and operates and manages the water treatment plant for the water system. The Partners also sell water to 11 secondary bulk customers that include communities in Warren, Vance, Franklin, and Granville Counties. These customers include the Towns of Stovall, Warrenton, Kittrell, and Norlina, as well as Granville County, Vance County, and Franklin County. Future sales will occur from the City of Oxford to South Granville Water and Sewer Authority (SGWSA) for use by the Town of Creedmoor and its customer, the Town of Wilton. Franklin County now owns the Town of Youngsville water system and also sells water to the Town of Bunn and Lake Royale community.

The water supply for the system is John H. Kerr Reservoir (Kerr Lake) on the Roanoke River. Kerr Lake is managed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for many purposes including water supply. In 2005, the USACE granted KLRWS a 20 mgd annual average day storage allocation in Kerr Lake. The water system's demand through 2060 is not projected to exceed this allocation.
Annual Reports
- 2020 Interbasin Transfer Annual Report for the Kerr Lake Regional Water System
- 2019 Interbasin Transfer Annual Report for the Kerr Lake Regional Water System
- 2018 Interbasin Transfer Annual Report for the Kerr Lake Regional Water System
- 2017 Interbasin Transfer Annual Report for the Kerr Lake Regional Water System
- 2016 Interbasin Transfer Annual Report for the Kerr Lake Regional Water System
Certificate Requirements
Background Documentation:
- Signed IBT Certificate - November 2015
- Hearing Officer's Report for IBT Certificate - October 2015
- Presentation at Henderson public hearing on March 31, 2015
- Interbasin Transfer Petition
- Environmental Assessment for an Interbasin Transfer from the Roanoke River Basin
- Signed FONSI (Finding Of No Significant Impact)