Wake County (Cary, Apex, Morrisville)
Source Basin: | Haw River |
Receiving Basins: | Neuse River, Cape Fear River |
Average Daily IBT: | 33 MGD |
The Towns of Cary, Apex, and Morrisville and Wake County submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) on September 30, 2013 to the Environmental Management Commission for a modification to their existing IBT Certificate. The purpose of the modification was to address interbasin transfer statute/policy changes and to re-evaluate the water supply needs through 2045. The modification resulted in a 33 million gallon per day (MGD) transfer, average day transfer in a calendar month, from the Haw River sub-basin to the Neuse River and Cape Fear River sub-basins. An environmental assessment (EA), including detailed hydrologic modeling, was completed and reviewed by DWR and other DEQ resources agencies. Links to the Final EA and FONSI are provided at the bottom of this webpage. Public hearings on the Final EA and FONSI were held on January 7th at the Apex Public Works Building, and January 22nd at the City of Fayetteville - City Hall. The modification to the Cary/Apex IBT Certificate was issued by the EMC on March 12, 2015. -- Certificate
On July 12, 2001, the Environmental Management Commission issued an interbasin transfer certificate to the Towns of Cary, Apex, Morrisville, and Wake County (acting for RTP South). This certificate allowed the holders to transfer a combined 24 MGD, on a maximum day basis, from the Haw River Basin to the Neuse River Basin. This was the second IBT certificate for the Towns of Cary and Apex. The Towns received their first IBT certificate in 1989, allowing a 16 MGD transfer from Jordan Lake (then defined as being in the Cape Fear River Basin) to the Neuse River basin.

Background Documentation
- Signed IBT Certificate Modification - March 2015
- Hearing Officer's Report for Certificate Modification - March 2015
- September 30, 2013 Notice of Intent to Request a modification to an Interbasin Transfer Certificate
- Towns of Cary, Apex, Morrisville, and Wake County IBT Certificate Modification EA
- Towns of Cary, Apex and Morrisville, and Wake County IBT EA Modification FONSI
- Notice of Public Hearing January 7, 2015, Interbasin Transfer Certificate Modification for the Towns of Apex, Cary and Morrisville, and Wake County (for RTP South)
- Public Meeting Background IBT Request Information
- November 6, 1989 Certificate
- July 12, 2001 Certificate
- Jordan Lake Water Supply Storage Allocations Round Two and Proposed Increase in Interbasin Transfer Hearing Officer's Report (May 2001)
- Notice for Public Hearing -- March 5, 2001 and March 6, 2000 (pdf)
- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (pdf 771KB)
- EIS Appendix 2 - Cape Fear River Basin Model Analyses (pdf 260KB)
- EIS Appendix F - EIS Public Hearing Record (pdf 3.2MB)
- Applicants Petition (pdf 611KB)
- Jordan Lake Allocation Home Page
- Review model results used in EIS impact analysis
Required Plans
Annual Reports
- 2023 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (document here)
- 2022 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (document here)
- 2021 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (document here)
- 2020 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (document here)
- 2019 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (document here)
- 2018 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (document here)
- 2017 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (document here)
- 2016 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (document here)
- 2015 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 648kb)
- 2014 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 1815kb)
- 2013 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 555kb)
- 2012 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 988kb)
- 2011 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 827kb)
- 2010 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 827kb)
- 2009 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 827kb)
- 2008 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 419kb)
- 2007 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 321kb)
- 2006 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 742kb)
- 2005 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 921kb)
- 2004 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 898kb)
- 2003 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 250kb)
- 2002 Annual report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 127kb)
- 2001 Annual Report on Interbasin Transfers (pdf 5.7MB)