Responsibilities of the 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch

The 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch is responsible for implementing water quality standards and other state regulations within the state's waters, such as lakes, ponds, streams and wetlands; riparian buffer regulatory programs; and assisting with compliance and enforcement procedures.
DWR Special Guidance in Response to Hurricane Helene
Please follow the links below to find additional guidance in response to Hurricane Helene
Guidance on 401 Certifications in Response to Helene
Debris and Sediment Removal after Natural Disaster-Riparian Buffers
Debris and Sediment Removal after Natural Disaster-Streams and Wetlands
401 & Buffer Permitting Overview of Programs
The 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch is responsible for multiple water quality programs, including the riparian buffer regulatory programs and 401 certification programs for qualifying streams.
Click on the program links below to learn about 401 certification, isolated streams permitting, buffer authorization and buffer variance processes. Scroll down to access links to our public documents portal, Laserfiche; the permit application tracker map; and our application forms and other documents.
By navigating to the frequently asked questions menu on the right, you can link to learn more about North Carolina’s state's water resources including streams, wetlands, waters and riparian buffers.
401 & Isolated Streams & 401 Stormwater Program
Visit the 401 & Isolated Streams & Buffers page to learn about how to apply for a water quality certification or isolated streams permit and associated stormwater management planning.
Compliance Assistance Program
Learn about technical assistance provided on environmental compliance and enforcement issues across the state, how to access case files, and marina information.
Riparian Buffer Protection Program
Learn about the various riparian buffer protection programs that are implemented throughout the state. Also find maps, clarification memos, and helpful documents.
Stream & Wetland Mitigation Program
Learn about the stream and wetland compensatory mitigation program implemented throughout the state. Also find templates, guidance documents, and mitigation bank information.
Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Program
Learn about the nutrient offset and buffer compensatory mitigation program and find templates, guidance documents, and mitigation bank information.