Non-Discharge Branch


Effective Oct. 3, 2023, all application and annual fees for all Non-Discharge permit types, excluding Single-Family Residence Wastewater Irrigation, have changed pursuant to GS 143-215.3D.

Effective Oct. 10, 2023, Section 18 Session Law 2-23-137 establishes a wastewater design flow rate of 75 gallons per day per bedroom (GPD/BR) for wastewater systems serving two or more dwelling units.  This Session Law overrides the 120 GPD/BR requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .0114(b) for all Wastewater Irrigation System (02T .0500), High-Rate Infiltration System (02T .0700), Other Non-Discharge Wastewater System (02T .0800), and Reclaimed Water Dedicated Utilization and Conjunctive Utilization System (15A NCAC 02U) permits issued on or after November 1, 2023.

The Non-Discharge Branch is responsible for the permitting and compliance of residual and wastewater effluent land application facilities. The Branch is also responsible for permitting facilities for the beneficial use of reclaimed water for the purpose of conserving the state's potable water, surface water, and groundwater resources.

*Please note: The Non-Discharge Branch has transitioned to electronic permitting. Permit applications, annual reports, certifications, etc. should be submitted electronically using the Electronic Application/Document Upload form. Monitoring reports should be submitted electronically using the Monitoring Report Upload form. Please do not submit paper copies.

If you have a non-discharge environmental complaint, reporting question, a noncompliance notification, or any operation and maintenance related question, please contact your Regional Office.

For technical questions, please contact the following staff:

Staff Directory:

Phone Number
Nathaniel ThornburgEnvironmental Program Supervisor II(919) 707-3653942X
Erick SaundersEngineer III(919) 707-3659N/A
Zachary MegaEngineer III(919) 707-3658942V
Cord AnthonyEngineer II(919) 707-3655942S
Elton LuongEngineer II(919) 707-3661942Y
VacantEngineer I(919) 707-3651942Z
Leah ParenteGeologist / Hydrogeologist(919) 707-3656942U
Alys HannumEnvironmental Specialist II(919) 707-3657942R
Wanda GeraldAdministrative Specialist I(919) 707-3654942W

Physical Address:

Archdale Building, 9th Floor

Mailing Address:

By U.S. Postal Service:
Division of Water Resources
Non-Discharge Branch
1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
By Courier/Special Delivery:
Division of Water Resources
Non-Discharge Branch
Attn: Nathaniel Thornburg - 9th Floor, Office #942X
512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604
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