Public Involvement


Healthy watersheds depend on public involvement.

Many actions that affect how North Carolina's water resources are managed and protected, and are proposed by DWR or the Environmental Management Commission, include an opportunity for public comment. The division also holds informational meetings and public hearings that are designed to increase public understanding and involvement in issues affecting water quality and quantity. These opportunities can be found on the DEQ Events Calendar.

There are also other ways to "get your feet wet" and to help make sure our beautiful and bountiful state waters are protected for generations.

Water Education Programs

  • N.C. Stream Watch  This program encourages neighbors, civic groups and businesses to adopt a local stream, keep an eye out for any problems that might arise and work together to ensure that the stream is healthy and able to support wildlife habitat, recreation and other uses.
  • Project Wet (Water Education for Teachers) - The goal of Project WET is to facilitate and promote the awareness, appreciation, knowledge and stewardship of water resources through the development and dissemination of classroom ready teaching aids and through the establishment of state sponsored Project WET programs. It is available to educators in classroom settings, home schools, daycares, nature centers, resources agencies and more.

Water Quality at Home



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