Emission Inventory Instructions

Instructions for Air Pollutant Point-Source Emission Inventory

These are the instructions for completing the paper inventory forms, whether Title V or others. They contain general instructions, definitions, form-by-form instructions and other emission estimation guidance. Any subsequent necessary revisions and updates will also be posted here. Please contact your regional emission inventory contact if you have questions and/or comments. Thank you in advance for such feedback.

Download (.pdf) Revised May 2016

NC GHG Emission Inventory Instructions

Submittal of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to DAQ's AERO is voluntary and encouraged.  The GHG emissions can be submitted at the same time as the criteria, hazardous and toxic air pollutants.  An overview, instructions and guidance for submitting GHGs are included in this document.

Instructions for calculating/submitting greenhouse gas emissions:


Emission inventory notification letters for each Title V facility required to do an annual emission inventory due by June 30, 20XX. will normally be mailed from the appropriate regional office in late January each year.

Facilities designated Synthetic Minors and Small will be mailed notification letters six months prior to their normally scheduled permit expiration date. Emission inventories for the specified calendar year (CY) are then due with the permit renewal (or modification) application, at least 90 days prior to its normal expiration. A table of expiration dates, their inventory due dates and calendar year of the required inventory is provided here:

Due dates for Synthetic Minor and Small Facilities

Specific Industry Guidance

Review guidance, citations, and/or assumptions for the following industries:

Other industries to be added later as resources and information (i.e. specific NC guidance) allow appropriate use of the information.

AERO User Manual 

Access the user manual for NC's Air Emissions Online (AERO) reporting system. You may use AERO to update and submit your Air Emissions Inventory securely online (whether Title V, Synthetic Minor and Small) for all air permitted facilities.

AERO User Manual

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