About the Flood Resiliency Blueprint
The Flood Resiliency Blueprint will be a resource for riverine and stream management and support the establishment and furtherance of local government stormwater maintenance programs to reduce flooding in North Carolina. The project will explore and learn from examples of similar work in other states and identify major watersheds affected by flooding through the incorporation of existing and future flood risk projections to ultimately direct funds toward activities that best support the creation of an actionable blueprint. The main objective of the blueprint is to form a set of prioritized projects and funding strategies that the State can implement in each of North Carolina’s 17 River Basins.

Goals and Strategies
Goals | Strategies |
Develop an online decision support tool which seamlessly guides state, county, municipal, and other jurisdictions to identify and select flood mitigation strategies responsibly, systematically, equitably, and transparently. | Online Decision Support ToolDevelop an online decision support tool to allow end users (e.g., state agencies and regional and local governments) to seamlessly visualize flood vulnerability for different flood risk conditions and choose from a suite of flood mitigations strategies (e.g., nature-based solutions, structural and nonstructural approaches, etc.) based on the best available data and models available. The tool will produce output products such as planning-level cost estimates, potential funding sources, and evaluation of costs and benefits of proposed actions at the basin and sub-basin scale throughout the state. |
Develop community and basin-specific risk management processes to identify and address flooding for NC communities. | Basin-specific Action StrategiesDevelop River Basin Specific Action Strategies for prioritized major river basins in NC to validate decision support tool and identify priority geographic areas for additional modeling efforts to support a common, statewide model. |
Establish a repeatable, statewide methodology for prioritizing, and selecting flood mitigation strategies for future implementation. | Blueprint Process DocumentDevelop a documented process for conducting flood resiliency planning at multiple scales which can be applied anywhere in the state, taking into account NC basins have different flood exposure, data and modeling needs, and/or capacity.