Application Q&A
The question and answered period closed at 2:00 p.m. on Jan. 3, 2025, as stated in the application.
Questions received on the Question Portal before 2:00 p.m., Jan. 3, 2025, will be answered on this page on a rolling basis, with all answers posted no later than 2:00 p.m., Jan. 10, 2025.
For Question 6.1, applicants should include all completed units across all programs sponsored by the NCWAP. While we understand HARRP units will likely inflate the completion rate, this question is intended to provide extra points to applicants who have a high annual completion rate on an annual basis.
The Weatherization competitive application process will happen on an annual basis for each program year.
For FY25-26 only LIHEAP and HARRP funding will be paired with the Annual Program funds and not BIL. However, that is a possibility that can be considered after further consultation with State and Federal partners.
Selected subgrantees for FY2025-2026 will be asked for subcontractor agreements and other procurement verifications after the selection process is complete (target: late March 2025) and before the annual contract is issued (for the July 1, 2025, start date).
To assure equity and state-wide coverage in this program, NC WAP reserves the right to add or remove counties from a given requested service area. It is the expectation of NC WAP that applicants work with NC WAP to achieve state-wide coverage. If an applicant refuses this final assignment, it is understood that the application is therefore withdrawn.
Each subgrantee maintains an inventory of all client records in a statewide database that will be transferred to the selected provider. In addition, all scans and/or hardcopies of client files will be provided to the selected provider.
Yes, the service to a specific county is exclusive. All weatherization assistance program services for any specific county are exclusively assigned to one subgrantee.