Priority Climate Action Plan

Attend an Engagement Session on the Development of the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP)


DEQ is holding a series of public engagement opportunities in February and March 2025 to provide information and gather feedback on the Department’s initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as part of the federal Climate Pollution Reduction Grant’s (CPRG) Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP).

The first deliverable of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant planning program is the Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP). DEQ submitted the PCAP to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in March 2024.

The PCAP was developed with stakeholder and public engagement and identifies North Carolina’s highest priority greenhouse gas reduction measures and the path to ensure equitable implementation for the benefit all North Carolinians. ​

The Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) will update and expand upon North Carolina’s existing climate strategies, ensuring that these planning documents align with the latest available science, modeling, and best practices.  ​

View the Fact Sheet

Public and Stakeholder Engagement

DEQ conducted stakeholder and public engagement and accepted public comments on how to best implement CPRG throughout the project timeline. Public feedback helped DEQ determine the program's direction, priorities, and future projects. Past public engagement is outlined below.

Tab/Accordion Items

  • Nov. - Jan. 2024: DEQ solicited ideas for projects and greenhouse gas reduction measures to implement through the CPRG program. Any individual or group can submit project ideas. Collected responses will help DEQ identify opportunities to collaborate on new or existing projects.
  • Jan. 12 - Jan. 28, 2024: DEQ accepted public comments on the Draft Priority Measures that informed the CPRG Priority Climate Action Plan. Read the press release.
  • Mar. 5 - Jun. 3, 2024: DEQ is accepting public comment on North Carolina's Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP). Comments and feedback from future public engagement sessions will be considered as DEQ develops the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan.
  • Coming in 2025: Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP).

Event TypeDateLocation
In person
November 28, 2023Fayetteville Technical Community College
In person
December 5, 2023Western Piedmont Community College
December 7, 2023Statewide
January 4, 2024Statewide
January 9, 2024Statewide

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