Permit Assistance


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Download Permit Assistance Flyer 

  • Provides a single point of contact, as a customer service liaison, to address customer inquiries and complaints;
  • Provides hands-on compliance assistance by developing customized permit information;
  • Coordinates and facilitates scoping meetings with DEQ regulatory staff, state/federal resource/regulatory agenices and the customer to outline potential permitting requirements, pitfalls, fees and timelines;
  • Coordinates and assists clients interested in the Express Permitting program for quicker permitting decisions; and
  • Serves as the DEQ Prosperity Zone Liaisons for the state’s eight Prosperity Zones. Each zone has a one-stop location to provide citizens and businesses with the ability to interact with multiple state agencies, and to encourage collaboration between agencies. The DEQ Liaisons' role are to provide factual, timely and comprehensive permit assistance to new economic development projects and all customers;

Download our Permit Assistance One-pager

Permit Application Tracker

The online application tracker system allows applicants and the public to check the status of pending permit applications or plan approvals.

Permit Handbook

A comprehensive online tool centralizing DEQ's permit information.

Permit Toolbox

Resources that have been compiled over the years to better assist you in the permitting process.

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for in the above resources, please check out our DEQ A-Z Topic Index and Frequently Asked Questions or contact your regional Environmental Assistance Coordinator for help.
Other Important Information

Permitting Considerations

Demolition Requirements

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