DEQ List of Permits

This permit directory, produced by the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality, centralizes all of the department’s permit information. It is a guide that covers North Carolina’s most commonly required environmental permits, licenses, certifications, approvals, etc. By using this directory, NCDEQ hopes that you can quickly gain an initial understanding of regulatory requirements for various permitted activities.

As of January 2024, the 1-page information sheets about each permit are in the process of being updated with a project completion date of April 2024. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the content, contact the program as indicated on the information sheet. 

Please note:  North Carolina’s 2023 Appropriations Act, Session Law 2023-134, includes fee adjustments for 28 Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) programs to support the delivery of services and state employee salaries.  

2023 Fee Updates


Note: Use the arrows next to the column headers to sort the directory alphabetically, by category (or media), or simply type a keyword into the search bar. 

Permit Name Environmental Category Description
Air Curtain Incinerators - General Title V Air Permit Air  New Air Curtain Incineration (ACI) Units only burning the following: 100 percent wood waste; 100 percent clean lumber, and 100 percent mixture of only wood waste, clean lumber and/or yard waste. Apply Online.
Animal Waste NPDES Permits Water Any animal feeding operation that plans to discharge from the production area or land application area must have coverage under an Animal Waste NPDES Permit. Most other facilities with certain threshold animal numbers will require coverage under an Animal Waste State Permit.
Animal Waste STATE Permits Water Treatment and disposal of liquid animal waste to the land surface with no discharge to groundwater or surface waters.
Aquaculture Collection Permit Marine Fisheries The collecting of protected or out-of-season marine and estuarine species for aquaculture purposes.
Aquaculture Operation Permit Marine Fisheries Operation of an aquaculture facility. Allows an individual to transport or sell hatchery or aquaculture operation products that do not meet size or bag limits.
Aquaculture Seed Transplant Permit Marine Fisheries To allow shellfish lease/franchise holders to purchase shellfish seed from permitted aquaculture operations that use waters in the prohibited, restricted, or conditionally approved classification for placement on their private beds.
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) & Other Injection Well Types Water The construction and operation of an injection well for aquifer storage and recovery well.
Water Any construction of a wastewater treatment facility where a National Polluntant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) has been issued by the Division of Water Resources, Wastewater Branch.
Black Sea Bass North of Cape Hatteras Dealer Permit Marine Fisheries Authorizes licensed dealers to purchase black sea bass with respect to season and pound limit requirements.
Blocks of Ten-Day Coastal Recreational Fishing Licenses Marine Fisheries This license allows vessel owners to issue ten-day Coastal Recreational Fishing Licenses to anglers aboard their vessel so that the angler does not have to purchase his/her own license. Each license is valid for ten consecutive days.
Blue Crab Shedding Permit Marine Fisheries Authorizes and identifies shedding operations possessing more than 50 crabs at any time.
Bridge Permit (Section 9 Permit) Other Construction, reconstruction or modification of an existing bridge or causeway across navigable waters of the United States.
Buffer Authorizations Water Triggered by disturbance to vegetated 50-foot buffers within the Catawba, Neuse and Tar-Pamlico River Basins or the Randleman Watershed.
Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Federal Consistency Determination Coastal Federal activities or non-federal projects requiring a federal permit and/or license.
Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) General Permit Coastal General permits are reserved for routine development activites that usually pose little or no threat to the environment. Examples include, but not limited to, docks, piers, bulkheads, etc. Apply Online.
Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Permit Coastal Development activity that is located in (or affects) an Area of Environmental Concern and in any of North Carolina's 20 coastal counties. Apply Online.
Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Minor Development Permit Coastal Development activity in any of North Carolina's 20 coastal counties. An example of this activity is single family houses.
Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area Permit/Registration Water Any person who withdraws, obtains or utilizes surface and/or groundwater in excess of 10,000-100,000 gallons per day in an area designated as a "capacity use area."
Closed-Loop Recycle Systems (Wastewater Treatment) Water A wastewater treatment facility that utilizes water in a recycled fashion and does not discharge wastewater to the ground or surface waters of the state.
Coastal Recreational Fishing License (CRFL) Marine Fisheries Allows the individual to recreationally harvest finfish in the state's coastal waters.
Coastal Recreational Fishing License Exemption Permit Marine Fisheries Allows individuals and organizations serving certain groups (e.g., individuals with physical/mental limitaions, disadvantaged youth, etc.) the ability to conduct recreational fishing events without each participant obtaining a CRFL.
Commercial Fishing Vessel Registration (CFVR) Marine Fisheries The designation of a vessel that is engaged in commercial fishing operations.
Construction and Demolition Landfill Permit Waste The construction and operation of a landfill facility for the acceptance of construction and demolition waste or debris as defined in North Carolina General Statute 130A or North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 13B.
Construction and Operation (Greenfield) Permit Air  Construction or modification of a source or the operation of a source that emits pollutants into the air. Certain exemptions apply.
Dam Construction, Modification, Repair, Removal, and Emergency Action Plan Land The construction, modification, repair, removal of a dam and Emergency Action Plan.
EPA ID Number Requirements For Generators of Hazardous Waste Waste Hazardous waste generators are required to obtain an EPA Identification Number from the state. This number is site-specific.
EPA ID Number Requirements For Transporters of Hazardous Waste Waste Allows the transport of hazardous waste in North Carolina. This activity requires an EPA identification number, which can be obtained from the state. This number is operator-specific.
Erosion and Sediment Control Certificate of Approval Land Any land disturbing activity that affects one or more acres on a tract of land. Apply Online.
Estuarine Flounder Dealer Permit Marine Fisheries Allows a licensed fish dealer to purchase flounder harvested from estuarine waters from a licensed commercial fisherman.
Estuarine Gill Net Permit Marine Fisheries Allows the use of anchored gill nets in coastal waters for either commercial or recreational purposes.
Exploration for Uranium Permit Land Any exploration activity for the discovery of uranium involving land disturbance and or drilling.
Fish Dealer License Marine Fisheries Authorizes a NC resident entity within NC to buy fish for resale from any person who holds a valid commercial fishing license.
Flounder Dealer Permit (Atlantic Ocean) Marine Fisheries Allows a licensed fish dealer to purchase flounder caught in excess of 100 pounds per day per commercial fishing operation, harvested in the Atlantic ocean, from a licensed commercial fisherman.
For-Hire Blanket Captains Coastal Recreational Fishing License Marine Fisheries This license, or one of the other for-hire licenses, is required to conduct a for hire fishing operation in coastal waters. The Blanket Captains License allows an individual who is properly license by the US Coast Guard to operate any for-hire vessel as long as that vessel also has a for-hire license or for-hire endorsement.
For-Hire Blanket Vessel Coastal Recreational Fishing License Marine Fisheries This license, or one of the other for-hire licenses, is required to conduct a for hire fishing operation in coastal waters. The Blanket Vessel License is vessel specific and covers the individual licensing requirements of the anglers aboard the vessel.
For-Hire Non Blanket Vessel Coastal Recreational Fishing License Marine Fisheries This license, or one of the other for-hire licenses, is required to conduct a for hire fishing operation in coastal waters. The Non-Blanket Vessel License is vessel specific and does not cover the individual licensing requirements of the anglers aboard the vessel.
General Air Permit Air Facilities in one of the following categories: emergency generators, concrete batch plants, cotton ginners, or yarn spinning plants that are not otherwise exempt under 2Q.0102 or 2Q.0900.
Geophysical Exploration Permit Land The permit provides a method by which the department knows where exploration work is being conducted.
Geothermal Cooling and Heating Water Any construction of open-loop geothermal wells and closed-loop geothermal wells as a part of a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system that utilizes underground injection of water or some other fluid to provide heat exchange between the fluid and the subsurface.
Groundwater Injection, Closed Loop Groundwater Remediation Systems Water Groundwater injection, closed-loop groundwater remediation systems are groundwater treatment systems that extract, treat, and re-inject contaminated groundwater. These systems typically use infiltration galleries, but sometimes include injection wells as part of the system.
Hazardous Waste Management Permit Waste Requires facilities to manage hazardous waste in accordance with the N.C. Hazardous Waste Management Rules.
Hazardous Waste Post-Closure Permit Waste Requires an operation to monitor or remediate contamination resulting from past hazardous waste disposal practices in accordance with N.C. Hazardous Waste Management Rules.
Hazardous Waste Research Development and Demonstration Permit Waste Allows for the research, development and demonstration of new hazardous waste management techniques in accordance with N.C. Hazardous Waste Management Rules.
High-Rate Infiltration Systems (Wastewater Treatment) Water A wastewater treatment system that land applies wastewater to permeable soils.
Horseshoe Crab Biomedical Use Permit Marine Fisheries Allows the use of horseshoe crabs taken from NC joint or coastal waters for biomedical purposes.
In-situ Groundwater Remediation Water Any activity involving the construction and operation of injection wells used to facilitate the clean up of substances from releases and spills.
Incinerator Permit Waste The construction and operation of a landfill facility for the acceptance and incineration of solid waste.
Industrial Landfill Permit Waste The construction and operation of a landfill facility for the acceptance of industrial solid waste.
Industrial User Pretreatment Permit Water Requires specific industrial users to pretreat their industrial wastewater prior to allowing it into the sewer lines.
Interbasin Transfer Certification Water The transfer of more than 2 million gallons per day of surface water from one North Carolina river basin to another.
Introduce Transfer or Hold Imported Marine and Estuarine Organisms into the Coastal Waters of the State of North Carolina (Permit to) Marine Fisheries Allows for the introduction into coastal waters of living marine or estuarine organisms not native to North Carolina; transfer of marine or estuarine organisms which are native, but which originated outside the state's boundaries; holding or maintaining any imported marine or estuarine organisms in a quarantine or isolation system for brood stock, aquaculture, or bait; or selling for bait any live marine or estuarine organism imported into the state.
Isolated Wetlands/Non-404 Jurisdictional Permits Water Any activities such as filling in waters of the state which are not (Section 10/404) required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfill Permit Waste The construction and operation of a landfill facility for the acceptance of land clearing and inert debris as defined in North Carolina General Statute 130A or North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 13B.
Land Flounder from the Atlantic Ocean (License to) Marine Fisheries Requires anyone wishing to land and sell more than 100 pounds per trip of flounder taken from the Atlantic Ocean to have this license.
Land or Sell License Marine Fisheries Authorizes non-resident vessel owners or vessel masters who want to offload fish harvested beyond North Carolina territory (greater than 3 miles in the ocean).
Location and Protection of Public Water Supply Sources Water Source/well site approval for a public water supply.
Mechanical Gear for Harvesting Oysters and Clams on Private Shellfish Leases and Franchises (Permit to Use) Marine Fisheries The use of mechanical gear for harvesting oysters and/or clams from private gardens.
Mining Permit Land Any breaking of the surface soil in order to facilitate or accomplish the extraction or removal of minerals, ores, or solid matter from its original location. Total disturbance, including the haul road, must equal or exceed one acre.
Monitoring Wells and Recovery Wells Water Construction of most monitoring wells and recovery wells.
Monkfish Large Mesh Gill Net Permit Marine Fisheries Allows traditional large mesh gill net fisheries for striped bass and monkfish to be conducted in state waters while reducing the threat of interactions between this gear and bottlenose dolphins, other marine mammals, and sea turtles.
Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Permit Waste The construction and operation of a landfill facility for the acceptance of municipal solid waste as defined in North Carolina General Statute 130A or North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 13B.
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) Other NEPA applies to all major federal actions; federal projects, any project requiring a federal permit, receiving federal funding or located on federal land. Application of categorical exclusions is determined by the federal agency.
Natural Heritage, Dedicated Nature Preserves, Rare Species, Natural Communities, and Natural Areas Other Certain environmental documents and permit applications require information on the status and proximity of rare plants and animals (including Federal or State listed species), priority natural areas, natural communities, or areas managed for conservation (managed areas), to proposed project sites.
New Source Review Air Permit/Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Air  Pre-construction permitting process for major sources of air pollution (as defined in DAQ's 2D .0530 and .0531 regulations). Prevention of Significant (PSD) and Non-attainment New Source Review (NAA NSR) permits are administered by DAQ's Central Office Permitting Section.
NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Stormwater Construction General Stormwater Permit Water Construction activities that disturb more than an acre of land are required to get an approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (E&SC) and coverage under the Construction General Stormwater Permit (NCG01).
NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Stormwater Industrial Stormwater Permit and No Exposure Certifications Water Direct discharges of stormwater associated with certain uncovered industrial activities to surface waters of the state that are not deemed permitted.
NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Stormwater Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit Water Direct discharges of stormwater from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) to surface waters of the state.
Water Any wastewater treatment system that has a direct discharge point to the surface waters of the state.
Ocean Fishing Pier License Marine Fisheries Authorizes the manager of an ocean fishing pier to charge the public a fee to fish from a pier within coastal fishing waters.
Oil or Gas Well Permit Land The permit provides a method by which the state regulates site activities to prevent the waste of the resource for the protection of the environment.
Oil Terminal Facility Registration Other Registration of any bulk oil terminal facility having or capable of having a storage capacity equal or greater than 21,000 gallons.
Operating Permit for Commercial Underground Storage Tanks Other The registration and operation of underground storage tanks used to contain an accumulation of regulated substances and whose volume (including connected underground piping) is 10 percent or more beneath the ground.
Permit for Work in Navigable Waters (Section 10 Permit) Other Any activity which requires work in, over or under navigable waters of the United States.
Petroleum-Contaminated Soil Remediation Permit (Non-Discharge) Waste Construction and operation of a contaminated soil treatment system.
Post Construction Stormwater Permit - State or Local Issuance Water Applies to new developments and other construction activities that may result in stormwater drainage into certain sensitive waters.
Pound Net Set Permit Marine Fisheries The use of a pound net or any part of one in Joint or Coastal Fishing Waters of North Carolina.
Public Water System Operating Permit Water Operation of a public water supply system.
Pump & Haul Systems Permit (Wastewater) Water Disposal of wastewater only in cases of environmental emergencies, nuisance conditions, health problems, or for unavoidable delays in construction of systems permitted under the authority of the Division of Water Resources.
Reclaimed Water Systems (Wastewater Treatment) Water Wastewater treatment systems for highly treated wastewater to be recycled for the same use or reused for other purposes (cooling water, boiler blowdown, fire fighting, etc.), but not for human consumption or irrigation of direct food chain crops.
Recreational Commercial Gear License Marine Fisheries Allows an individual to use limited amounts of specified commercial gear to catch seafood for personal consumption or recreational purposes.
Recreational Fishing Tournament License to Sell Fish Marine Fisheries Allows the tournament holder of the license to sell the tournament's catch to a licensed fish dealer. Proceeds from the sale of fish must be used for charitable religious, educational, civic, or conservation purposes.
Residuals Management (Wastewater Treatment) Water The disposal of wastewater treatment facility residual solids to specifically permitted land application sites, or for beneficial use by the public if more stringent treatment limits are met.
Hazardous Waste Emergency Permit Information Waste The treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste under urgent or emergency situations to facilitate the protection of public health and the environment.
Retired Standard Commercial Fishing License (RSCFL) Marine Fisheries Allows individuals 65 years or older to harvest and sell fish, shrimp, crabs or any marine species, except Menhaden and shellfish.
Scientific and Educational Collecting Permit Marine Fisheries The collection of regulated fisheries resources for scientific and educational use by universities, aquaria, and environmental consultant organizations.
Scrap Tire Hauler Registration Waste Anyone engaged in the hauling of scrap tires in North Carolina must have this registration. However, a tire retailer (licensed under G.S. 105-164.29) who only hauls scrap tires generated at their business when replacement tires were sold is not required to register.
Septage Detention and Treatment Facility Permit (SDTF) Waste Construction and operation of a septage storage or treatment facility.
Septage Land Application Site Permit (SLAS) Waste The land application of septage as a final disposal method.
Septage Management Firm (Permit to Operate A) Waste Any person(s) engaging in the activity of pumping, transporting, storing, treating or disposing of septage must have a septage management firm permit prior to commencing operation.
Water Allows for the construction and operation of new sewer systems by the designated owner. Sewer systems may consist of gravity mains, force mains and pump stations used for the purpose of conveying wastewater to a designated wastewater treatment facility.
Sewer Extensions-Fast Track Water Ownership and operation of sewer lines, force mains, and pump stations used for the purpose of conveying wastewater to a designated wastewater treatment facility. Sewer extensions that are not of “alternative” design and do not require a variance from the requirements of 15A NCAC 02T or the MDC may apply for permits through the fast-track permitting process.
Shellfish License for North Carolina Residents Without a Standard Commercial Fishing License (SCFL) Marine Fisheries Allows NC residents without a SCFL (Standard Commercial Fishing License) to commercially harvest and sale shellfish. Shellfish includes scallops, clams, conchs, whelks, oysters, and mussels.
Shellfish Sanitation Crustacea Dealer Permit and Certificate of Compliance Marine Fisheries Compliance with sanitation requirements for wholesale marketing, processing and handling of crustacea meat.
Shellfish Sanitation Shellfish Dealer Permit and Certificate of Compliance Marine Fisheries Compliance with sanitation requirements for wholesale marketing, processing and handling of shellfish.
Shellfish Sanitation - Wet Storage Permit Marine Fisheries Allows certified shellfish dealers to engage in temporary placement of shellstock from approved growing areas in containers or floats in natural bodies of water or in tanks containing natural or synthetic seawater.
Single-Family Residence Wastewater Irrigation Systems (Wastewater Treatment) Water SFR wastewater treatment and surface irrigation systems are for residential lots serving no more than one residence.
Small/Synthetic Minor Air Permit Air  The potential to emit must be less than 100 ton/year for each criteria pollutant and less than 10 ton/year for each individual hazardous air pollutant and less than 25 ton/year for the sum of all hazardous air pollutants. Synthetic minor permits are administered by a facility's Regional Office.
Solid Waste Composting Permit (SWC) Waste The construction and operation of a solid waste composting facility.
Spiny Dogfish Dealer Permit Marine Fisheries Licensed dealers purchasing greater than 100 pounds of spiny dogfish per day per commercial fishing operation harvested from the ocean.
Standard Commercial Fishing License (SCFL) Marine Fisheries Allows the individual to harvest and sell fish, shrimp, crabs or any other marine species.
State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 (SEPA) Other All state agencies are required to review and report the environmental effects of all activities that meet three criteria: (1) an action by a state agency, (2) expenditure of public monies or private use of public land, and (3) a potential for detrimental environmental effects. An Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) can be required.
Striped Bass Dealer Permit Marine Fisheries Allows a licensed dealer to possess, sell, or offer to sale purchased striped bass from licensed commercial fisherman during the striped bass season.
System-Wide Wastewater Collection System Permit Water Any wastewater collection and conveyance by sewer. Sewer collection systems include gravity sewers, force main with pumping (lift) stations, pressure sewers, septic tank effluent pump (step) sewers, vacuum sewers, and siphons.
Tax Certification for Air Pollution Control Equipment Air  Tax certification of equipment related to air pollution. For use in receiving tax credit on air pollution abatement equipment.
Tax Certification for Waste Treatment Systems and Equipment Water Tax certification of pollution abatement equipment for use in receiving tax credit on wastewater pollution abatement systems and/or equipment.
Tax Certification of Recycling and Resource Recovery Equipment and Facilities Waste Special tax treatment for recycling and resource recovery equipment and facilities.
Tire Monofill Permit Waste The construction and operation of a landfill facility for the acceptance of tire monofill tire waste.
Title V Permit Air  The potential to emit over 100 ton/year of a single criteria air pollutant, 10 ton/year of a single hazardous air pollutant, or 25 ton/year combination of single hazardous air pollutant. Title V permits are administered by DAQ's Central Office Permitting Section.
Transfer Station Permit Waste The construction and operation of a landfill facility for the acceptance, handling and transferring of municipal solid waste as defined in North Carolina General Statute 130A or North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 13B.
Transplant Oysters from Seed Oyster Management Areas (SOMA Permit) Marine Fisheries The transport of oysters from the state's seed oyster management areas to private gardens.
Treatment and Processing Facility Permit Waste The construction and operation of a treatment and processing facility for the handling of solid waste for final disposal or for utilization by reclaiming or recycling.
Trout Buffer Variance Water Any land-disturbing activity occurring on a designated trout stream that will exceed 100 linear feet of disturbance in each 1,000 linear feet of buffer zone or encroachment that is greater than 10 percent of the linear footage of stream owned within the tract to be distributed.
Under Dock Oyster Culture Permit Marine Fisheries Allows private dock or pier owners to attach oyster cultivation containers.
Wastewater Irrigation Systems (Wastewater Treatment) Water Disposal of treated wastewater to the land surface. Wastewater land application systems can include spray irrigation, drip irrigation or other appropriate technology.
Wastewater Treatment Systems Operator Certification Water Any operator at a classified wastewater treatment facility is required to be certified to properly operate these facilities and maintain the treatment system in compliance with all permit requirements.
Wastewater/Groundwater Laboratory Certification Water Any laboratory making analytical reports to a state agency is required to be certified for the specific parameter being reported.
Water Supply System Plans and Specifications Approval Water Construction of a public water supply system.
Water Supply Watershed Protection (WSWSP) Program Permits Water Development activities that can impact water bodies within the water supply watersheds.
Water Supply Well Construction Permit Water Construction and operation of certain water supply wells.
Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Water Examination and certification as a water treatment facility operator.
Water Withdrawal & Transfer Registration Water Any non-agricultural water user who withdraws or transfers 100,000 gallons per day or more of water for any purpose. Or any agricultural water user who withdraws or transfers 1,000,000 gallons or more per day.
Weekend Trawling for Live Shrimp Permit Marine Fisheries To permit and identify fishermen taking live shrimp for bait with trawls, from areas open to the harvest of shrimp with trawls, from Friday 9:00 p.m. through Saturday 12:00 p.m. (noon).
Well Contractor Certification Water Certification necessary to perform well contractor activities such as construction, installation, repair, alteration or abandonment of any well.
Wetlands and Streams - 401 Water Quality Certification Water Any activity that will fill, dredge, or drain wetlands or surface waters in the state. Coordinated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requirements.
Wetlands and Streams – Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit Other Any activity which would discharge dredged or fill materials into waters of the United States, including special aquatic sites such as wetlands.
Yard Waste Notification Form (YWN) Waste The operation of a small Type 1 Composting facility or Treatment and Processing facility (primarily mulching or grinding), of yard waste and clean wood waste only. Apply Online.
Yard Waste Treatment and Processing Facility Permit Waste The construction and operation of yard waste treatment and processing facilities that receive primarily organic wastes to be treated or processed for recycling or reuse in soil or plant related uses (primarily grinding or mulching of wood material).
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