Risk Evaluation Resources
The screening levels in the links below should be used to identify the site contaminants and delineate their extent.
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals Table in Excel (January 2025)
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals Table and Notes in pdf (January 2025)
Groundwater Standards and IMACs (15A NCAC 02L)
Surface Water Standards (15A NCAC 02B)
Calculating Risk
A risk calculator is provided to quantify human health risks when multiple contaminants are present and when conditions justify using site-specific input parameters.
Note: Please note that recent firewall security settings may prevent full functionality of the Risk Calculator. It is recommended that the file be downloaded to your computer, and the file’s settings be changed to unblock its security for future use.
DEQ Risk Calculator
DEQ Risk Calculator User Guide (February 2024)
Risk Evaluation Equations and Calculations (July 2024)
What's New to the DEQ Risk Calculator (July 2025)
Risk Based Remediation Training (May 2017)
Contact the appropriate oversight program with any questions.
What They’re Saying:
This article first appeared in Environmental News, the newsletter of the Environment, Energy & Natural Resources Law Section of the North Carolina Bar Association
Risk-Based Site Closure: Not Just for Toxicologists and Risk Assessors