Simple Ground Water Modeling

Distance Drawdown Analysis: If you have drawdown measurements at various distances from a pumping center and want to estimate the transmissivity and storage coefficient of an aquifer.

Reverse Distance Drawdown Analysis: If you think you know the transmissivity and storage coefficient of an aquifer and need to estimate how ground water levels will respond with distance from the pumping center after some time has elapsed.

Time Drawdown Analysis: If you have drawdown measurements from one well over time at some distance from a pumping center and want to estimate the transmissivity and storage coefficient of an aquifer.

Reverse Time Drawdown Analysis: If you think you know the transmissivity and storage coefficient of an aquifer and need to estimate how ground water levels will respond over time in a well at some distance from the pumping center.

Simple Finite Difference Model: If you need to estimate ground water level drawdowns associated with a pumping center over time (non-steady state solutions).