Statewide Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan

The State Water Infrastructure Authority is pleased to introduce "North Carolina's Statewide Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan: The Road to Viability".
The nine-member authority was created by the North Carolina General Assembly in 2013 to assess and make recommendations about the state's water and wastewater infrastructure needs. The master plan presents the state's roadmap for viable water and wastewater utilities that safeguard public health, protect the environment, support vibrant communities, and encourage economic development.
The master plan applies broadly to owners and operators of water and wastewater utilities and systems that serve the public. Local elected officials, town and county managers, utility governing boards, customers and stakeholders, and the general public all have key roles in achieving viable utilities. The state's role is to foster long-term viability in three integrated focus areas:
- Infrastructure Management
- Organizational Management
- Financial Management
Master Plan-related articles/news
- November 2019: Article featured in the monthly magazine of the NC League of Municipalities, "Southern City", by Francine Durso and Kim Colson: "North Carolina's Statewide Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan: The Road to Viability"
- April 2019: Article featured in the the national Journal of the American Water Works Association by Francine Durso (Senior Project Manager), J. D. Solomon (former State Water Infrastructure Authority member), and Kim Colson (Director, Division of Water Infrastructure): "North Carolina's Bold Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Plan"
- Summer 2018: NC Rural Water Association's "The Tarheel Pipeline": (See pages 30 - 34, "North Carolina's Statewide Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan: The Road to Viability")
- Spring 2017: NC Currents [the official publication of the NC Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) and the NC Member Association of the Water Environment Federation (NCWEA)]: (See pages 34 - 37, Funding and the Value of Water- "NC's Statewide Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan")
- December 2016: Water Finance and Management Journal: "The Managerial Maestro Behind North Carolina’s Innovative Water Financing Model"