N.C. Resilient Coastal Communities Program


The N.C. Resilient Coastal Communities Program aims to facilitate a community-driven process for setting coastal resilience goals, assessing existing and needed local capacity, and identifying and prioritizing projects to enhance community resilience to coastal hazards. Participating communities will walk through a framework leading to the development of “shovel-ready” projects. Local governments throughout the 20 coastal counties will be eligible to apply for direct technical assistance to complete a community engagement process, risk, and vulnerability assessment, and develop a resilience project portfolio.

The four phases of the program include:

  • Phase 1: Community Engagement and Risk & Vulnerability Assessment
  • Phase 2: Planning, Project Selection, and Prioritization
  • Phase 3: Engineering and Design
  • Phase 4: Implementation

This initiative, funded through the N.C. State Legislature and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, will provide funding to local governments to help overcome barriers in coastal resilience and adaptation planning, boost local government capacity, and support a proactive, sustainable, and equitable approach to coastal resilience planning and project implementation.

For more information please visit our RCCP Communities Dashboard. 

Para obtener una descripción general del programa en español, desplácese hacia abajo hasta la pestaña denominada "Resumen del RCCP en español".

UPDATE: RCCP Phases 1-4 RFAs Open Now!

DCM is pleased to announce that applications for Phases 1-4 of the RCCP and CAMA Land Use Plan Updates are now open for the 2025-2026 cycle! Scroll down to access and download the appropriate RFA(s) and review the Applicant Webinar.

For more information, please refer to the contact details under the 'RCCP Information & Materials' banner below or included in your application materials.

Request for Applications: RCCP Phases 1-4 & CAMA Land Use Plan Updates

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To view the Applicant Webinar hosted on March 21, 2025, covering Phases 1-4 of the RCCP, including Land Use Plan (LUP) updates, please follow this link

To download a PDF version of the Slide Deck for the presentation, please follow this link.

To apply for Phases 1 & 2 of the RCCP as a participating community or contractor in the 2025-2026 cohort, please download the appropriate RFA below. These RFAs include the opportunity to participate in Phases 1 & 2 and/or incorporate resiliency into CAMA Land Use Plan updates. 

1. RCCP Phases 1 & 2 Community RFA

2. RCCP Phases 1 & 2 Contractor RFA

To apply for Phase 3 funding through the RCCP for the engineering and design of a project identified in Phases 1 & 2 or through an equivalent resilience planning process, please download the RFA below:

1. RCCP Phase 3 RFA

To apply for Phase 4 funding through the RCCP for the implementation of a 'shovel-ready' project identified and designed in Phases 1-3 or through an equivalent resilience planning and design process, please download the RFA below:

1. RCCP Phase 4 RFA

2. RCCP Phase 4 Budget Template

Please note: Phase 4 applicants must download, complete, and attach the provided budget template.

RCCP Information & Materials

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RCCP 2-Pager (Spanish)

| Página 1
| Página 2

The North Carolina Resilient Coastal Communities Program Planning Handbook provides guidance to contractors and local governments in completing Phases 1 and 2 of the N.C. Resilient Coastal Communities Program. The handbook identifies the specific program requirements, as well as existing data, tools, and resources to help communities meet these requirements. 

RCCP Planning Handbook-English (Updated 2025)

RCCP Planning Handbook-Español

Mackenzie Todd, Coastal Resiliency Coordinator 

Kasen Wally, Coastal Resilience Specialist  

Program Email: RCCP@deq.nc.gov 

For questions specifically related to land use planning and how this initiative overlaps with CAMA Land Use Plan updates, reach out to your District Planner.


2024-2025 Phase 3 & 4 Grant Awards

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Phases 1 & 2: Orientation Materials, Community Resilience Strategies & Project Portfolios

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The main deliverable for Phases 1 and 2 is a Resilience Strategy consisting of a combination of the deliverables developed throughout this process. While this is not meant to be a comprehensive resilience plan, the information in this Resilience Strategy may later be used to create a comprehensive Resilience Plan or be integrated into existing local plans and ordinances. Having a planning document like this helps to provide clarity of purpose, attract funding, and provide a more direct path to implementation.

YearCommunity Resilience StrategyCommunity Project PortfolioAmount
2020-2022Beaufort CountyBeaufort County$30,000
2020-2022Bertie CountyBertie County$30,000
2020-2022Cape CarteretCape Carteret$30,000
2020-2022Craven CountyCraven County$30,000
2020-2022Currituck CountyCurrituck County$30,000
2020-2022Dare County-Hatteras IslandDare County-Hatteras Island $30,000
2020-2022Hertford CountyHertford County$30,000
2020-2022Hyde County-OcracokeHyde County-Ocracoke$30,000
2020-2022Nags HeadNags Head$15,000
2020-2022NavassaNavassa $30,000
2020-2022Pamlico CountyPamlico County $30,000
2020-2022Pine Knoll ShoresPine Knoll Shores$15,000
2020-2022Sunset BeachSunset Beach$30,000
2020-2022Topsail Island (Topsail Beach, N. Topsail Beach, and Surf City)Topsail Island (Topsail Beach, N. Topsail Beach, and Surf City)$75,000
2020-2022VandemereVandemere $30,000
2020-2022WashingtonWashington $30,000
2020-2022WindsorWindsor $30,000
2023-2024Elizabeth CityElizabeth City$77,500
2023-2024Holly RidgeHolly Ridge$77,500
2023-2024Kitty HawkKitty Hawk$70,000
2023-2024Ocean Isle BeachOcean Isle Beach$70,000
2023-2024Pasquotank CountyPasquotank County$77,500
2023-2024Washington CountyWashington County$75,000
2023-2024Washington ParkWashington Park$70,000


Phase 3: Engineering & Design

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The primary objective of Phase 3 of the RCCP is to provide funding to assist communities with the engineering and design of a prioritized project identified in their RCCP Resilience Strategy or other existing plans that meet the RCCP’s Phases 1 and 2 planning criteria. Some communities will also receive funds to develop or amend ordinances that improve their resilience to flooding and other coastal hazards or to otherwise take steps to manage stormwater and flooding. Most of the engineering and design projects feature natural and nature-based elements such as wetland restoration and living shoreline design. The 2022-2023 award recipients are below: 



Project Name

Amount ($)


Wetland Restoration at Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)


Beaufort County

Low Impact Development Site-Beaufort County Community College



Wynne's Gut Tidal Gates and Flood Attenuation


Bertie County

Cashie River Drainage System


Cape Carteret

Cape Carteret Flood Mitigation Planning Project


Craven County

Craven County Living Shoreline Prioritization and Engineering Design


Currituck County Baxter Lane and Old Tulls Road Drainage  $35,000

Dare County

Hatteras Village Stormwater Improvements


Town of Duck

Duck Neighborhood Floodwater Management Plan


Town of Hertford

Jennies Gut Drainage Improvement Feasibility Study


Hyde County

Ocracoke Stormwater Management Plan


Town of Leland

Mallory Creek Drive Drainage Improvements


Nags Head

Town of Nags Head Drainage Infrastructure Improvements


New Bern

Duffyfield Community Resilience Improvement-Basin Restoration and Enhancement


Pine Knoll Shores

Town-Wide Nature-Based Stormwater Solutions


Sunset Beach

Green Infrastructure-40th Street Erosion 



Water Street Rehabilitation 


Topsail Island (Surf City, N. Topsail Beach, and Topsail Beach)

Topsail Island Roadside Stormwater Project 



Improving Stormwater Culverts and Drainage 


City of Washington

Jack's Creek Floodplain and Greenway Improvements


Phase 4: Implementation & Construction

Tab/Accordion Items

Community Name

Project Name

Award Amount ($)


Wynne's Gut Tidal Gates and Flood Attenuation


City of New Bern

Duffyfield Community Resilience-Rose Street Basin Restoration


Pine Knoll Shores

Tree Street Swales



Vandemere Drainage Improvements



Jack’s Creek Floodplain and Greenway Improvements





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