Contact the research coordinator, Justin Ridge, for inquiries or additional information about the Reserve's research program.

National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Goals

  1. Biological, chemical, physical, and ecological conditions of the Reserve are characterized and monitored to describe reference conditions and to quantify change.
  2. Scientists conduct research at Reserves that is relevant to coastal management need and increases basic understanding of estuarine processes.
  3. Scientists, educators, and coastal managers have access to NERRS datasets, science products, and results.
  4. The scientific, coastal management, and education communities, as well as the general public, use data, protocols, tools, and techniques generated at the NERRS.

The NERRS provide a foundation for effective national, regional, and local coastal zone management through site research, the System-Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP), NERRS Science Collaborative, and the Graduate Fellowships

NC Coastal Reserve & National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) Strategic Goals

  1. Conduct all phases of the SWMP at all four NC NERR sites.
  2. Conduct and/or facilitate research activities at all four sites with priority given to projects dealing with eutrophication, fecal contamination, and habitat change.
  3. Seek partnerships to further the capabilities and credibility of the research sector.
  4. Disseminate through outreach activities and publications the findings of research activities conducted in the NC NERR.

There are many regional differences between the four NC NERR sites, and therefore the stressors faced by each reserve site are also different. Consequently, focus areas have been developed to help target the most beneficial activities to particular Reserve sites.

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