Green Welcome Centers

North Carolina's Interstate Welcome Centers greet you with sustainability. The welcome centers listed on this page have met or exceeded goals for sustainability set by the NC GreenTravel Initiative. Visit NC and enjoy the green goodness of our state! Click on each of the welcome center links to learn more.
Western and Mountain Welcome Centers
🌼🌼 I-26 West Welcome Center - Mars Hill
🌼 I-26 East Welcome Center - Columbus
🌼 I-40 West Welcome Center - Waynesville
🌼 I-77 North Welcome Center - Dobson
Central and Piedmont Welcome Centers
🌼 I-77 South Welcome Center - Charlotte
🌼 I-85 South Welcome Center - Kings Mountain
🌼 I-95 South Welcome Center - Rowland
Eastern and Coastal Welcome Centers
🌼🌼 Crystal Coast Welcome Center - Emerald Isle
🌼🌼 I-95 North Welcome Center - Roanoke Rapids
🌼🌼 I-85 North Welcome Center - Norlina