Recycling Markets
RBAC conducts research on recycling markets that can be used to find homes for recyclable materials and for analyzing business opportunities in the recycling industry. The following tools and services provide market information valuable to the development or expansion of a recycling business.
NC Recycling Markets Directory

A continuously updated, fully searchable online directory, the NC Recycling Markets Directory lists recycling companies that collect, transport, broker, process or remanufacture recovered materials in North Carolina. This tool provides essential links between businesses, industries and local governments searching for markets for recyclables and the companies that accept the materials for reprocessing and reuse.
NC Material Recovery Facilities Map

Commingled material recovery facilities that serve communities and businesses all across North Carolina.
Pricing Trends for Recyclables
RBAC tracks pricing trends for basic recyclable commodities. Market pricing is gathered through contact with three recycling processors located in the eastern, central and western regions of the state. The graphs and data presented include pricing trends for the past five years.
NC WasteTrader

NC WasteTrader is North Carolina's online marketplace for discarded or surplus materials and products. This free waste exchange service is designed to divert recoverable materials from disposal while providing feedstocks and supplies to potential users.